

Heart; by some noxious vapours or humours, which do either


Side; from some Inflammation within the Membranes covering the in∣side of the Ribs, causing difficulty of breathing, and provocation to coughing, upon which great pain follows, accompanied with a Fever.


Diseases belonging to the LOWER BELLY or Bowels, may be distinguished into such as do concern the


Liver and gall

Liver and Gall; being caused by some impotence in them for the doing of their Functions, in not digesting & distributing the humors belong∣ing to them; causing either ‖ Paleness of colour, Faintness, Indisposition to stir: or Yellowness and Swarthiness of colour, accompanied with faintness and nauseousness.

Stomach and liver

Stomach and Liver, and other Bowels jointly; which, being defective in the works of Concoction and Distribution, do occasion a superfluity of serous matter distending the skin of the belly and other parts of the body, accompanied with some wind: and sometimes a windy vapour, accompanied with some watery humors, stretching the belly.


Spleen; by its dispersing sour and feculent humors: or noxious vapors, into other parts of the body; the former of which is usually accompanied with faintness, weariness, loosness of teeth, spots on the body, and spe∣cially on the legs.


Guts; ‖ from some sharp humor that corrodes, or vapor that distends the Co∣lon: or from some hardned excrement, or some other like matter, stopping the Ilia or smaller Guts.

Faculties of excretion

Lower part of belly or scrotum

Lower part of the belly or Scrotum; ‖ by a breach of the internal Mem∣branes, or too much distention of it, or by superfluity of waterish or windy matter: or in the Veins about the Fundament.

Mother or womb

Mother or Womb; by ‖ causing convulsive motions: or stopping of the Breath.