

  • THALAMUS ( चेतक )
    • situation ( स्थान )
      • lies above midbrain ( मध्यमस्तिष्क के ऊपर )
      • one on each side of a slit like cavity called third ventricle
    • shape and size( अकार )
      • ovoid mass of grey matter
      • 3.5 cm in length , 1.5 cm in breadth
    • External features
      • two ends ( दो छोर )
        • anterior end ( अग्र )
          • narrow
          • constitutes tubercle of thalamus
          • forms posterior boundary of interventricular foramen
        • posterior end ( पश्च )
          • expanded called pulvinar
          • overhangs
            • medial and lateral geniculate bodies
            • superior colliculi with their brachia
      • four surfaces
        • superior surface
          • lateral part
            • forms floor of central part of lateral ventricle ( पार्श्व विलय )
          • medial part
            • covered by tela choroidea of 3rd ventricle
        • inferior surface
          • anterior part
            • fused with sub-thalamus
          • posterior part
            • free
            • inferior aspect of pulvinar
        • medial surface
          • greater part of lateral wall of third ventricle
        • lateral surface
          • medial boundary of posterior limb of internal capsule
          • divided by y shaped internal medullary lamina
            • anterior
              • tubercle
              • lies between limbs of Y
            • medial
              • on medial side of stem of Y
              • large Medial dorsal
              • small medial ventral
            • lateral
              • on lateral side of stem of Y
              • dorsal
                • lateral dorsal
                • lateral posterior
                • large caudal nuclear mass
                  • pulvinar
              • ventral
                • ventral-lateral (ventral intermediate )
                • ventral- anterior
                • ventral - posterior
                  • ventral posterolateral
                  • ventral posteromedial
          • other nuclei
            • intralaminar nuclei
            • midline ( paraventricular nuclei)
            • reticular nucleus
        • WHITE MATTER
          • lateral surface of thalamus
            • thin layer
              • external medullary lamina
          • superior surface
            • stratum zonale
          • inside thalamus
            • internal medullary lamina
  • anterior
  • medial
  • lateral
  • lateral dorsal
  • lateral posterior
  • pulvinar
  • ventral anterior
  • ventral lateral
  • ventral posterolateral
  • ventral posteromedial
  • intralaminar
  • midline
  • reticular nuclei
  • centromedian nucleus
  • medial geniculate body
  • lateral geniculate body
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  • hi/thalamus.txt
  • 2023/06/23 12:50
  • brahmantra