
TACTILE ( Active qualities)

Homogeneous or Heterogeneous things are congregated, or separated.

  • TEMPERATENESS, Warmness, Tepidness, lukewarm.
    • HEAT, hot, soultry, ardent, torrid, fervent, swelter, inflame, scald, Parch, Scorch.
    • COLDNSSS, bleak, piercing, biting, chill, cool, frigid, refrigerate.

A Body is easily bounded by it self: or conformed to any other Bo∣dy, wherein it may be contained.

  • MOISTNESS, dank, damp.
    • WETNESS, Humidity, liquid, mash, slabber, daggle.
    • DRINESS, Siccity, exsic•ate, arid, sear, parch.
  • The Texture of parts, as to ‖ nearer: or farther distance.
    • CLOSENESS, shrink, Constipation, consolidate, compact.
      • DENSITY, Crassitude, Thickness, Condense-ation, thronged, pressed.
      • RARITY, Thinness, attenuate, rare-ifie.
  • Inclination to Motion ‖ downwards: or upwards.
    • WEIGHTINESS, massie.
      • GRAVITY, Ponderousness, Heaviness, lumpish, weighing, pressing down.
      • LEVITY, Lightness.
  • Aptitude or Ineptitude to Motion.
    • Common to Liquids and Solids.
      • CONSISTENCY, congeal, stand.
        • HARDNESS, indurate, callous, brawny.
        • FLVIDITY, liquid, flow, dissolve.
    • Proper to Solids.
      • FLEXIBLENESS, Pliableness, pliant, bend, bow, stoop.
        • LIMBERNESS, supple, lank, lith, ling, gentle, pliant, plia∣ble, slack, flagging.
        • STIFNESS, stark, tite, rigid, harsh, inflexible.
  • YIELDINGNESS, give place.
    • SOFTNESS, Tenderness, mollifie, relent, give.
    • HARDNESS, obdurate, indurate, callous.
hard scler(o)- dur(i)- कठोर
soft malac(o)- moll(i)- मुलायम

Superficies; being ‖ more: or less plain.

  • EVENNESS, plain, level.
    • SMOOTHNESS, Sleekness, glibbery, slippery, terse, polite, polish, burnish, Calender.
    • ROVGHNESS, Asperity, Ruggedness, uneven, harsh, ruffle, rumple, puckered, cragged.

Bulk, being in its self, or in its parts, of ‖ an indifferent: or of a great∣er or smaller magnitude.

  • ORDINARINESS, of the most usual and common size:
    • COVRSNESS, gross, thick.
    • FINENESS, Tenuity, Subtilty, thin, attenuate.


  • FIRMNESS, Fastness.
    • TOVGHNESS, ductile, malleable.
    • BRITTLENESS, Friableness, crisp, short, frail, fragil.


  • SLIMINESS, mucilaginous, roping.
    • CLAMMINESS, viscous, adhering, stick to, cling, cleaving, glu∣tinous, Bird-lime.
    • VNCTVOVSNESS, Slipperiness, Lubricity, glib.
  • STEDDINESS, establish, Stability,
    • FASTNESS, Fixedness, Firmness, stedfast, wistly, set, settle, clenching, Rivet, stick in.
    • LOOSENESS, sleasie, Slackness, unfastned, unfixed, unsteddy, unstedfast, unsettled, Luxation.
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  • hi/tactile_qualities.txt
  • 2024/03/10 10:15
  • brahmantra