

Less complex; denoting such a compleat sentence,*wherein something is either affirmed or denied, To which may be adjoyned such kind of sentences, as by common use and long experience have obtained to be of authority amongst men.

  • प्रतिज्ञप्ति (proposition) या प्रकथन , प्रबंध , प्रलय , निश्चयण , स्वाग्रह , दृढक़थन , अभिकथन , दावा , सिद्धांत , अवलोकन
  • लोकोक्ति , कहावत , जनप्रवाद

Kinds of discourse;


More general; denoting something to be spoken in presence, or written to be sent to others.

  • उद्घोषणा, वक्तृत्व कला,पाणिग्रहणिक , व्याख्यान, भाषण,
  • EPISTLE, Letter.

More special; relating to matters of Fact, ‖ either the more usual name, or that which denotes what is commonly said by many.

  • कथन, संबंध, कहानी, इतिहास, कहानी , कहना , ख़बर , प्रतिवेदन, पूर्वाभ्यास, सूचित करना ,रिवाज , रीति , परंपरा , प्रथा , तिथि-ग्रंथ , इतिवृत्त , वृत्तांत , दिव्य चरित्र , दंतकथा , मुद्रालेख , आदर्श वाक्य
  • अफवाह , लोकवाद , गप्प , झूठी बातें फैलाना , प्रचलन , सन-कह , कही-सुनी , आम प्रसिद्धि, शोर

General name;

  • INTERPRETATION, Exposition, construction, explain, expli∣cate, unfold, Trouchman.

Particular Kinds

  • Altered; by putting them into another language, or into other words of the same language.
    • TRANSLATION, Construe, version, interpret, turn, render.
    • PARAPHRASE, Descant, Metaphrase, Circumlocution.
  • Enlarged; by adding several other words for further explication, or Contracted; into fewer words.
    • COMMENTARY, Gloss, Note, Annotation, Stricture, Scholiast, Expositor.
    • EPITOME, Compendium, Brief, abbreviate, breviate, a∣bridge, Breviary, succinct, concise, Abstract, Synopsis, Sy∣stem, couch, contract, Summary, extract, recapitulate.

Appendages of discourse, whether the

Extreme; either the Beginning or the End.

  • प्रस्तावना , PROLOGUE, Exordium, Preamble, Proem, Introduction, Pre∣face, Prelude.
  • उपसंहार , EPILOGUE, Conclusion.

Intermediate; either that which is more necessary, whereby one part is to be connected to another, or such additional part as is less necessary to the main scope of the discourse.

  • TRANSITION, Pass-age.
  • DIGRESSION, On the by, by the way, Diversion, Excursion, Ex∣travagant, glance.
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  • hi/speech_logic.txt
  • 2024/06/17 10:06
  • brahmantra