

  • Soft palate ( कोमल तालु )
    • movable muscular fold ( हिलने वाला पेशी वंक )
    • suspended from roof of mouth ( मुह के ऊपर में लटकता है )
      • posterior border of hard palate ( कठोर तालु के पश्च किनारे से )
    • separates nasopharynx from oropharynx
    • surfaces ( स्तर )
      • anterior ( oral surface) ( अग्र या मुह स्तर )
        • concave
        • marked by a median raphe
      • posterior ( पश्च )
        • convex
        • continuous superiorly with
        • floor or nasal cavity
    • borders ( किनारा )
      • superior ( ऊर्ध्व / ऊपरी किनारा )
        • attached to posterior border of hard palate
        • blending on each side with pharynx
      • inferior ( अधः / निचला किनारा )
        • free ( लटकता है )
        • from middle ( बीच में से
          • hangs a conical projection
            • uvula
              • each side of base of uvula
                • two curved folds of mucous membrane extend laterally and downward
                  • anterior fold ( अग्र वंक )
                    • palatoglossal arch or anterior pillar of fauces ( अग्र स्थम्भ )
                      • palatoglossus muscle ( जिह्वतालु मांस )
                    • forms the lateral boundary of oropharyngeal isthmus or isthmus of fauces
                  • posterior fold (पश्च वंक )
                    • palatopharyngeal arch or posterior pillar of fauces ( पश्च स्थम्भ )
                      • contains palatopharyngeus muscle ( तालुग्रसनी मांस )
                    • forms posterior boundary of tonsillar fossa
                    • merges inferiorly with lateral wall of pharynx
    • Structure
      • it is a fold of mucous membrane
      • parts
        • palatine aponeurosis ( तालु )
          • flattened tendon of tensor veli palatini ( तालुच्छद तानिका )
            • forms fibrous basis of palate
          • near median plane aponeurosis splits to enclose
            • musculus uvulae
          • superior surface ( ऊपरी स्तर )
            • Levator veli palatini(तालुच्छद उन्नमनी ) and palatine aponeurosis lie on this surface
          • inferior or anterior surface ( निचला स्तर )
            • palatoglossus muscle ( जिह्वतालु )
        • numerous glands and some taste buds are present
    • Muscles of soft palate ( कोमल तालु के मांस पेशी )
      • Tensor palati ( tensor veli palatini ) ( तनाव तालु )
      • Levator palati ( Levator Veli palatini ) ( उन्नमनी तालु )
      • Musculus Uvulae
      • Palatoglossus ( जिह्वतालु )
      • Palatopharyngeus ( तालुग्रसनी )
    • Nerve supply ( तंत्रिका )
      • All muscles of soft palate except tensor veli palatini ( कोमल तालु के पूरे मांस )
        • pharyngeal plexus ( ग्रसनी जालिका )
          • derived from cranial part of accessory nerve through vagus
      • tensor veli palatini supplied by
        • mandibular nerve ( अधःहनु तंत्रिका )
      • General sensory nerves (
        • middle and posterior lesser palatine nerves ( तालु तंत्रिका )
          • branches of maxillary nerve
            • through pterygopalatine ganglion
          • glossopharyngeal nerve ( जिह्वग्रसनी कपाल तंत्रिका )
      • Special sensory or gustatory nerves
        • taste sensations from oral surface
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  • hi/soft_palate.txt
  • 2023/06/19 07:55
  • brahmantra