
  • General qualities
    • good and bad
    • Pure and Impure
    • Truth and false
    • similar and dissimilar
    • equal and unequal
  1. शारीरिक भाषा (body language)
  2. शास्त्रार्थ (discourse)
  3. विशेषज्ञता (Specialization)
  4. विश्लेषण (Analysis)
  5. विश्वास (faith) , विश्वास , भरोसा ( trust , belief ) , विषय-वस्तु (Contents)
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6
विष , औषधि , षुक्राणु , षंकर , षत , षराब , ष्राप , षनि , षुद्र , दोष विनाष , षत्रु , नषा , षक्ति निषान , निषा
शांत , शक्कर , शक्ति , , शर्मा , शीत , शीर्ष , श्वेत , शुद्ध , शगुन शरण , शरीर

श (sha) - The sound sha is associated with the idea of cutting, dividing, and separating. For example, the sound sha is found in the Sanskrit word shatru (शत्रु), which means enemy.

Good Qualities

ष (ssa) - The sound ssa is associated with the idea of penetrating, entering, and permeating. For example, the sound ssa is found in the Sanskrit word sushumna (सुषुम्णा), which means the central channel of energy in the human body.

Negative Qualities
Bad Qualities

स (sa) - The sound sa is associated with the idea of restraint, control, and regulation. For example, the sound sa is found in the Sanskrit word samadhi (समाधि), which means meditative absorption or concentration.

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  • hi/seventh_cluster.txt
  • 2024/02/12 05:02
  • brahmantra