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इन्द्रियगम्य गुण

*BY SENSIBLE QUALITY is meant such kind of Quality as falls un∣der our outward Senses, or the Affections of Bodies considered as they are the Objects of Sense: To which may be opposed the Notion of OCCULT QUALITY. These do relate either to the

*BY SENSIBLE QUALITY is meant such kind of Quality as falls un∣der our outward Senses, or the Affections of Bodies considered as they are the Objects of Sense: To which may be opposed the Notion of OCCULT QUALITY. These do relate either to the

  • Audioception
      • स्वरज्ञता (voice perception )
  • Chemoreception
  • Related to space and time dimensions
  • related to internal dimensions
  • related to quantity
    • Osmoreception
Satiety From satis (“enough”) +‎ -tās.
  • थकान
  • क्षुधानाश
  • अरुचि
  • माया , मतिभ्रम , मिथ्याभास, वहम , विभ्रम , दृष्टीभ्रम
  • दुविधज्ञता ( hallucination )
  • प्रतीतज्ञता ( illusion )
hallucination Ancient Greek ἀλύω (alúō, “to wander in mind, to roam”),
illusion from in- (“at, upon”) + lūdere (“to play, mock, trick”)
  • विश्वासज्ञता ( delusion )
  • विभ्रम , भ्रांति, मिथ्या विश्वास (delusion )
  • भूक
  • प्यास
  • निद्रालुता
  • तंद्रा
  • उलटी का आभास
  • हल्का सिर
  • चक्कर आना , घुमनी
  • छाती दर्द
  • पेट दर्द
  • सिर दर्द
  • बदन दर्द
  • टांग दर्द
  • भुज दर्द
  • sexual arousal and sexual excitement
    • orgasm
    • erection
  • भाज्ञ (fortune )
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  • hi/sensation.txt
  • 2024/08/18 11:37
  • brahmantra