
पुरुष प्रजनन प्रणाली (Male reproductive system)

    • Upper pole; superior pole ( ऊपरी ध्रुव )
    • Lower pole; inferior pole ( अधः ध्रुव )
    • Lateral surface
    • Medial surface
    • Anterior border
    • Posterior border
    • अंडधर कंचुक (Tunica vaginalis )
      • Parietal layer
      • Visceral layer
      • Superior ligament of epididymis
      • Inferior ligament of epididymis
      • Sinus of epididymis
      • Serosa; serous coat
        • Subserosa; subserous layer
    • श्वेत कंचुक (tunica albuginea )
    • Vascular layer
    • Mediastinum of testis ( वृषण मध्यस्थनिका )
    • Septa testis ( वृषण पट्ट )
    • Lobules of testis ( वृषण खण्डिका )
    • Parenchyma of testis
    • Seminiferous tubules; convoluted seminiferous tubules ( वीर्यदार नलीका )
    • Straight tubules ( ऊर्ध्व नलीका )
    • Rete testis ( जालीदार वृषण )
    • Efferent ductules ( बाह्यरोही नलीका )
  • अधिवृषण (EPIDIDYMIS)
    • Head of epididymis ( अधिवृषण मुंड )
      • Lobules of epididymis; conical lobules of epididymis
    • Body of epididymis ( अधिवृषण पिंड )
    • Tail of epididymis ( अधिवृषण पुच्छ )
    • Duct of epididymidis ( अधिवृषण नलीका )
    • Aberrant ductules
      • (Superior aberrant ductule)
      • (Inferior aberrant ductule)
      • Appendix of testis
      • (Appendix of epididymis)
  • SPERMATIC CORD ( वृषण रज्जु / वंक्षण रज्जु )
    • External spermatic fascia ( बाह्य वंक्षण प्रवरण )
    • Cremaster
    • Cremasteric fascia
    • Internal spermatic fascia ( अन्तः वंक्षण प्रावरण )
    • (Vestige of processus vaginalis)
    • Scrotal part
    • Funicular part
    • Inguinal part
    • Pelvic part
    • Ampulla of ductus deferens
      • Diverticula of ampulla
    • Adventitia ( बाह्यस्थ, बाह्य )
    • Muscular layer; muscular coat
    • Mucosa; mucous membrane
    • Adventitia ( बाह्यस्थ, बाह्य )
    • Muscular layer; muscular coat
    • Mucosa; mucous membrane
    • Excretory duct
  • Ejaculatory duct
  • PROSTATE ( पौरुष ग्रंथ )
    • Base of prostate
    • Proximal part
    • Peri-urethral gland zone
    • Distal part
    • Apex of prostate
    • Anterior surface
    • Posterior surface
    • Inferolateral surface
    • Lobes of prostate ( पौरुष ग्रन्थि खंड )
      • Inferoposterior lobule ( पृष्ठधः खण्डिका )
      • Inferolateral lobule ( पृष्ठपार्श्व खण्डिका )
      • Superomedial lobule ( अधिमध्य खण्डिका )
      • Anteromedial lobule ( अग्रमध्य खण्डिका )
      • (Middle lobe)
    • Isthmus of prostate; commissure of prostate
    • Capsule of prostate
    • Parenchyma
    • Prostatic ducts
    • Muscular tissue
    • Puboprostaticus
    • Vesicoprostaticus
    • Trapezoid area
  • BULBO-URETHRAL GLAND COWPERI ( मूत्रकंदीय ग्रन्थि )
    • Duct of bulbo-urethral gland
  • MALE EXTERNAL GENITALIA (बाह्य प्रजनन अंग )
      • Root of penis (शिश्न मूल )
      • Body of penis ( शिश्न पिंड )
      • Crus of penis ( शिश्न टाँग )
      • Dorsum of penis ( शिश्न पृष्ठ )
      • Urethral surface
      • Glans penis ( शिष्णमुंड )
        • Corona of glans
        • Septum of glans
        • Neck of glans
      • Prepuce; foreskin ( शिश्नमुंडच्छद )
        • Frenulum
      • Raphe of penis
      • Corpus cavernosum penis ( रक्तधर पिंड, सगुह पिंड )
      • Corpus spongiosum penis ( स्पंजीपिंड )
      • Bulb of penis ( शिश्नकंद )
      • Tunica albuginea of corpora cavernosa
      • Tunica albuginea of corpus spongiosum
      • Septum penis
      • Trabeculae of corpora cavernosa
      • Trabeculae of corpus spongiosum
      • Cavernous spaces of corpora cavernosa
      • Cavernous spaces of corpus spongiosum
      • Helicine arteries
      • Cavernous veins
      • Fascia of penis ( शिश्न प्रावरण )
        • Suspensory ligament of penis
      • Subcutaneous tissue of penis
        • Fundiform ligament of penis
      • Preputial glands
    • Internal urethral orifice; internal urinary meatus
      • Filling internal urethral orifice
      • Emptying internal urethral orifice
    • Intramural part; preprostatic part
    • Prostatic urethra ( पौरुष ग्रन्थि मूत्रमार्ग )
      • Proximal part ( निकटस्थ भाग )
      • Distal part ( दूरस्थ भाग )
      • Urethral crest
      • Seminal colliculus
      • Prostatic utricle
      • Prostatic sinus
      • Muscular layer; muscular coat
      • Circular layer
        • Internal urethral sphincter; supracollicular sphincter; preprostatic sphincter
      • Longitudinal layer
      • Mucosa; mucous membrane
      • External urethral sphincter
    • Intermediate part of urethra; membranous urethra ( झिल्लीदार मूत्रमार्ग )
      • Muscular layer; muscular coat
        • Longitudinal layer
      • Mucosa; mucous membrane
    • Spongy urethra ( स्पंजि मूत्रमार्ग )
      • Navicular fossa ( अंतःकंद नौकाभ खात )
      • (Valve of navicular fossa)
      • Urethral lacunae
      • Urethral glands ( मूत्रमार्ग ग्रन्थि )
      • (Para-urethral ducts Skene)
      • Muscular layer; muscular coat ( पेशी स्तर )
        • Longitudinal layer
      • Mucosa; mucous membrane
      • External urethral orifice; external urinary meatus
  • अंडकोष्ठ (SCROTUM)
    • (अंडकोश संधि रेखा ) Raphe of scrotum
    • Dartos fascia; superficial fascia of scrotum
      • Septum of scrotum
      • Dartos muscle

शिश्न का मूल

शिश्न का शरीर

अंडकोश के स्तर

  • dartos muscle
  • external spermatic fascia
  • internal spermaticc fascia
  • cremaster fascia
  • pudendal
  • Bulbourethral glands
  • शुक्राणु (sperm)
  • स्तंभन (erection)
  • स्वप्नदोष (nocturnal ejaculation)
  • वीर्यपात (ejaculation)
  • वीर्यस्खलन (ejaculation)
  • हस्थ मैथुन (masturbation)

a. of the vas deferens — शुक्रवाहिनी कलशिका c. glandis — शिश्न मुंड किरीट

  • शिश्नमल (smegma )
  • शिश्नमुंडच्छद थैली (preputial sac )
  • parietal ( पार्श्विका , भित्तिक, भित्तीय )
  • visceral ( 1- अंतरांग- 2- आशय)
  • serous (सीरमी )
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  • hi/purush_jananaang_pranaali.txt
  • 2024/08/30 15:19
  • brahmantra