
III. ACTIONS of the UNDERSTANDING and Judgment PRACTI∣CAL,* do concern the enquiry after and taking notice of the Nature of things, with reference to their Goodness or Fitness to any purpose. They are distinguish∣able, as the former, by their respect to the

Vnderstanding; being either

  • Preparative, in the first Objectization of a business: or the reflexive Thought about it, together with what else one knows of that kind.
    • जानबूझकर, विचार करना, तौलना, पूर्वानुमान लगाना।
    • अवलोकन करना, विज्ञापन करना, चेतावनी देना, कान देना, ध्यान देना, ध्यान देना, सम्मान देना, ध्यान देना, ध्यान देना, ध्यान देना, ध्यान देना, झाँकना, देखना, ध्यान न देना, उल्लेखनीय, उल्लेखनीय, देखरेख करना, नज़रअंदाज़ करना।
  • Operative, in ‖ the comparing of means to find which is expedient: or the Thought resulting from such comparison.
    • विचार करना, घूमना, स्कैन करना, सलाह देना, पूर्वानुमान लगाना, पहचानना, पूर्वचिंतन करना, विचार करना, अध्ययन करना, पुनर्गणना करना, प्रतिबिंबित करना, समीक्षा करना, संशोधित करना, तौलना, विचार करना, परामर्श करना, अपने मन में ढालना, पीछे मुड़कर देखना, चिंतन करना।
    • आविष्कार, आविष्कार, विचार करना, पता लगाना, बनाना, लेखक।


Primary; in judging the thing found to be ‖ agreeable to its end: or disagree∣able.


More general.

  • अनुमोदन करना, पसंद करना, अनुमति देना, अच्छा सोचना, अच्छी तरह से लेना, उसे कल्पना करना, बिल ढूंढना, करंट।
  • अस्वीकार करना, नापसंद करना, अस्वीकार करना, अस्वीकार करना, गलत करना, निंदा करना, विस्फोट करना, फटकारना।

More special; according to its motives; as

  • Proceeding from Causes
    • Extrinsecal; Warranty sufficient: or insufficient.
      • TRUST, Confidence, betrust, entrust, rely, repose, enfeoff, recom∣mend, credit, charge, rest upon.
      • DISTRVST, Mistrust, Diffidence, Suspicion, Surmize, Iealousie, Vmbrage, call in question, misgive.
    • Intrinsecal in the means it self; conclusive that it is so: or not so con∣clusive but that it may be otherwise.
      • SATISFACTION, Content, acquiesce, resolve.
      • SCRVPLE, Doubt, dissatisfie.
  • Productive of these Effects; in higher: or lower degrees.
    • ASSURANCE, Confidence, sure, certain, resolved, secure, confirm.
    • PERSWASION, think, believe.


Secondary; in judging of expedients found, as to the use of them, how they are to be ordered and managed: or what is like to be the event of them.

  • CONTRIVING, projecting frame, machinate, plot, forecast, cast about, or in ones mind, find a way, devise, Conveyance.
  • EXPECTING, look for, wait, gaping after, mind gives me, make account, stay for, watch for.
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  • 2023/06/16 15:38
  • brahmantra