

  • PONS
        • convex in both directions
        • Transversely striated by ponto-cerebellar fibres ( अनुप्रस्थ रेखा से रहता हैं )
        • Median plane divided by a groove ( बीच में एक खात )
          • basilar sulcus ( आधारी खात )
            • lodges basilar artery ( आधारी धमनी)
        • trigeminal nerve attached to this surface by two roots ( त्रिधारा तंत्रिका के दो जड़ )
          • large sensory root
          • small motor root
        • BORDERS ( किनारा )
          • Rostrally ( ऊपर और आगे की तरफ )
            • junction between midbrain and pons by dissappearing cerebral peduncles in pons
          • caudally ( नीचे और पीछे )
            • junction of medulla and pons or pontomedullary junction marked by
              • shallow groove
                • in this groove medial to lateral
                  • abducent , facial , nervus intermedius , vestibulocochlear
          • laterally junctions of
            • middle cerebellar peduncle and anterior surface
      • DORSAL ( POSTERIOR SURFACE ) - सेतु का पीछे का भाग
        • covered by cerebellum ( अनुमस्तिष्क के द्वारा ढका हुया रहता है
          • separated from it by cavity of fourth ventricle
        • shape
          • triangular ( त्रिकोण )
          • forms upper part of floor of fourth ventricle ( चौथी विलय का तल बनाता है )
          • borders
            • superior border
              • cerebral peduncles
            • inferior border
              • upper end of medulla continuous
          • lower or closed part of dorsal surface of pons
            • upper triangular part of Floor or fourth ventricle
            • longitudinal divisions
              • dorsal median sulcus ( पृष्ठ मध्य परिखा )
                • divides it in to equal halves
              • sulcus limitans divides it in to ( सीमा परिखा )
                • depression at cranial end in sulcus limitans
                  • superior fovea ( अधि छिद्र )
                • median eminence medially ( मध्य उत्सेध )
                  • upper part is locus ceruleus ( ऊपर का भाग )
                    • bluish in colour ( नीला )
                    • pigmented neurons
                      • substantia ferruginea
                    • help in paradoxical sleep ( निद्रा )
                      • rich in noradrenaline
                  • facial colliculus ( आनन काय )
                    • deep to it is genu of facial nerve
                      • formed by looping around abducent nucleus
                • laterally vestibular area ( पार्श्व में
              • wider above
              • narrow below
            • junction of pons and medulla
              • stria medullares
          • Longitudinal fibers ( अनुधैर्य तन्तु / अनुर्ध्व )
            • corticopontine fibers
              • relay in ipsilateral pontine nuclei
            • corticonuclear fibers
              • terminate in contralateral ( some ipsilateral) motor nuclei of cranial nerves
            • corticospinal fibers
              • converge toward lower part of pons
                • pyramids of medulla
          • transverse fibers ( अनुप्रस्थ तन्तु )
            • arise from pontine nuclei
              • cross to opposite side to form
                • middle cerebellar peduncle
                  • pontocerebellar fibers
          • pontine nuclei
            • cortico-ponto-cerebellar pathway
              • connects
                • cerebebral cortex of one side to cerebellar hemisphere of opposite side
          • ascending fibers
          • descending fibers
        • grey matter
          • trigeminal nucleus (V) , facial (VII) , Abducent (VI) , Vestibulocochlear (VIII)
        • SECTIONS
          • Transverse section at the upper ( cranial ) level of pons
            • boundaries
              • dorsolaterally by
                • superior cerebellar peduncle
              • roof
                • superior medullary velum
            • grey matter
              • motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve
              • sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve
                • rostrally continuous with mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve
                • caudally with spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve
            • white mater
              • four lemnisci
                • medial lemniscus
                • lateral lemniscus
                • trigeminal lemniscus
                • spinal lemniscus
          • Transverse section at the lower ( caudal ) part of pons ( passes through facial colliculus)
            • Grey matter
              • Vestibulocochlear (VIII)
                • vestibular area
                  • vestibular nuclei
                • cochlear nuclei
              • Abducent (VI) nucleus
              • facial (VII) colliculus
                • facial nerve
                • facial nucleus
              • spinal nucleus
              • superior and inferior salivatory and lacrimatory
            • white matter
              • medially from posterior to anterior
                • medial longitudinal bundle
                • tectospinal tract
                • rubrospinal tract
                • medial lemniscus
              • more laterally
                • spinal lemniscus
                • spinal tract of trigeminal nerve
              • decussation of transversly running fibres
                • trapezoid body
                  • arising from cochlear nuclei of both sides
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  • hi/pons_varolli.txt
  • 2023/06/23 13:32
  • brahmantra