

  • Single; containing a respect to the
    • किसी भी वस्तु के रहने का कारण , whether none or any, The being of a thing, the first of its kind, or not.
    • किसी भी वस्तु के रहने का ढंग , whether intirely of it self, or by virtue of something else.
    • किसी वस्तु के रहने की अहमियत , Degrees of Being or Causality, whether superior and before all others, or inferior, and after some others.
      • PRINCIPALNESS, Chief, Special, Ring-leader, soveraign, supreme, paramount, first, main, arch, prime, primary, capital, cardinal fundamental, Top, Head, Master.
      • ACCESSORINESS , Abet, adherent, second, Companion, Party, Copart∣ner, Complice, Appendage, Label, Appurtenance, adventitious, col∣lateral, conscious, privy, side with, back, partake, participate, by the way, by the by.
    • Distance of a thing, whether without or with any other between.
      • IMMEDIATENESS, Next.

Special, relating to their

  • Place, either the being of things in their due positions, or out of their due places.
    • ORDER, Regular, Method, array, imbattle, marshal, rally, in frame, dispose, digest, range.
    • CONFVSION, Disorder, Rhapsody, Chaos, Gallimaufry, tumult, rout, coyl, disheveled, disranked, out of frame or order, promiscuous, Preposterous, Ruffle, Shuffle, scamble, clutter, blunder, jumble, hurry, hurly burly, pell mell.
  • Time, either the being of things as usually they are, or their being otherwise then commonly they use to be.
    • ORDINARINESS, common, usual, trivial, currant.
    • EXTRAORDINARINESS, strange, uncouth, unusual, unwonted, of note, notable, notorious, Odness, Paradox.


General, The being of things according to certain rules or not so.

  • REGULARNESS, right, rectifie, rule.
  • EXORBITANCY, Irregularness, Enormity, Disorder, extravagant, li∣centious, wild, faulty, wrong, loose, immoderate, unruly, unbridled, out of square, lash out, Heteroclyte, Anomalous.
  • Better for such mixture, or Worse for being without it.
    • ORNATENESS, adorn, set out, Deck, beautifie, embellish, trimm, trick, tire, garnish, flourish, dress, prank, Ornament, Grace, flo∣rid, neat, smug, spruce, elegant, quaint, fine, polite, gay, gaudy, gor∣geous, flaring, garish, flaunting, Gallant, Spark, Bracelet, Plume, Garland, Ouch, &c.
    • HOMELINESS, simple, rough, rude, untrimmed, plain, bald.
  • Better for being without such mixture, or worse for it.
    • PURITY, Cleanness, undefiled, defecate, fine, refine, try, furbush, scoure▪ purge, purifie, clarifie, depuration, neat, abstersive.
    • DEFILEMENT, Filthiness, Impurity, unclean, fowl, squalid, bedawb, besmear, bewray, contaminate, slabber, slubber, smear, soil, sully, pollute, daggle, slurry, smutch, smutt, stain, alloy, em∣base, dash.
  • Material; being either ‖ without all parts and composition, or being such, to the fra∣ming of which several parts and ingredients do concurr.
    • SIMPLICITY , mere, sheer, clear, fine, plain, right, pure, unmixed, Ingre∣dient, single, uncompounded.
    • MIXEDNESS , mingle, compound, blend▪ shuffle, Medly, Miscellany, promiscuous, temper, Commixtion, complex, complicate, confound, intermingle, Hodg-podge, Gallimaufry, Rhapsody, Centon, dash, brew.
  • Formal; being in such a state to which nothing is wanting, or else wanting some∣thing of what they may and should have.
    • PERFECTION , absolute, intire, full, accurate, exact, exquisite, punctual, precise, complete, consummate, accomplish. strict, plenary, throughly, mature, up at the top.
    • IMPERFECTION , incomplete, lame.
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  • hi/mixtures.txt
  • 2024/04/20 11:34
  • brahmantra