
    • Structural Components
      • Vital center
        • Cardiac center
        • Vasomotor center
          • regulation of distribution of blood flow in vessels
        • Respiratory center
          • regulation of respiration
    • External features
      • ANTERIOR OR VENTRAL (अग्र )
        • divided in to longitudinal halves by ( दो भाग )
          • Anterior median fissure; ventral median fissure ( परिखा )
            • continuous with fissure of spinal cord
              • just above joining ends in a triangular depression
                • Foramen caecum of medulla oblongata
            • at lower border of pons
              • interrupted by decussation of pyramids
        • Two elongated elevations on each half called as
          • Pyramids
            • caused by corticospinal ( pyramidal) fibers
              • most of these fibers cross to opposite side in lower medulla
                • Decussation of pyramids; motor decussation
                • descend as lateral corticospinal tract
                  • in lateral white column ( पार्श्व श्वेत स्तम्भ )
              • uncrossed fibers descend as
                • anterior corticospinal tract
                  • in anterior white column ( अग्र श्वेत स्तम्भ )
        • Oval elevations called ( अंडा )
          • Olive
            • caused by inferior olivary nucleus
        • divided in to longitudinal halves by
            • Anterolateral sulcus; ventrolateral sulcus
              • extends along lateral border of pyramid
              • XII - rootlets of Hypoglossal nerve emerges
            • Posterolateral sulcus; dorsolateral sulcus
              • lies between olive and inferior cerebellar peduncle
              • emerges from it are
                • IX , X , XI cranial nerves
            • Inferior cerebellar peduncle
              • posterolateral to olive
              • attach medulla with cerebellum
        • divided in to longitudinal halves by
          • Posterior median sulcus; dorsal median sulcus
            • present only in lower half of medulla
            • above it lips diverge to form
              • boundaries of triangular area
              • lower part of 4th ventricle
        • Upper Open part
          • Posterior median sulcus; dorsal median sulcus
            • either side of sulcus
          • more laterally and obliquely continuation of sulcus limitans of pons
            • from stria medullares
              • sulcus limitans converges towards the upper end of lower medulla
            • depression at sides on sulcus limitans
              • inferior fovea
            • it divides it in to two areas
              • hypoglossal triangle
              • vagal triangle
            • between vagal triangle and gracile tubercle
              • area postrema
                • function as chemoreceptor
              • ependymal thickening
                • funiculus separans
                  • separates both vagal triangle and area postrema
            • lowermost point is called obex
        • Lower Closed Part
          • either side of sulcus
            • 3 longitudinal elevations ( medial to lateral )
              • fasciculus gracilis
                • upper end expand to form gracile tubercle due to
                  • nucleus gracilis
              • fasciculus cuneatus
                • upper end expand to form cuneate tubercle due to
                  • nucleus cuneatus
              • Tuber cinerum
                • caused by spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve
              • inferior cerebellar peduncle
      • At the level of decussation of pyramids
          • narrow strips nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus
          • posterior horn
            • apex gets swollen to form
              • nucleus of spinal tract of trigeminal nerve
                • it is upward continuation of substantia gelatinosa of spinal cord
          • posterior horn capped in white matter by
            • fibers of spinal tract of trigeminal nerve
          • runs backwards and laterally across midline ( from anterior to posterior )
            • to reach lateral side
        • ANTERIORLY
          • detached anterior horn divides to form
            • spinal nucleus of accessory nerve
            • supraspinal nucleus of first cervical nerve
              • continuous above with hypoglossal nucleus
            • nucleus of accessory nerve
              • extends downwards up to 5th cervical segment
        • LATERALLY
          • in white column diffused network of fibers
            • reticular formation
      • At the level of decussation of medial lemnisci ( or Sensory decussation )
        • ANTERIORLY
          • lower part of inferior olivary nucleus
          • pyramid
          • posterior white column
            • fibers of fasciculus gracilis and cuneatus
          • nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus are well seen and demarcated
            • separated from central grey matter
        • CENTRALLY
          • central grey matter contains
            • ventromedial
              • hypoglossal nucleus
                • dorsolateral
                  • dorsal nucleus of vagus
                    • dorsolateral
                      • nucleus of tractus solitarius
        • SIDES
          • Dorsolateral to cuneate nucleus
            • accessory cuneate nucleus
              • receives lateral fibers (derived from cervical segments of cord ) of fasciculus cuneatus
                • gives rise to posterior external arcuate fibres
                  • through inferior cerebellar peduncle
            • spinal nucleus and tract of trigeminal nerve lies laterally side of cuneate nucleus
          • Ventrolateral
            • medial longitudinal bundle lies posterior to medial lemniscus
            • spinocerebellar and lateral spinothalamic tract
          • Arising from nucleus gracilis and cuneatus
            • internal arcuate fibers
              • course forward and medially around central grey matter
                • decussate with opposite fibers in median plane
                  • ascend upwards as MEDIAL LEMNISCUS on opposite side
                    • most medial fibers come to lie anteriorly
                  • relay in to the thalamus
      • At the level of Olives ( across the floor of fourth ventricle )
        • central grey matter is spread and broken
          • over floor of fourth ventricle
          • medial to lateral
            • posteriorly
              • hypoglossal nucleus
              • nucleus intermedius
              • dorsal nucleus of vagus
              • vestibular nucleus
            • middle or intermediate
              • nucleus ambiguus
                • gives origin to 9 , 10 , 11
          • paramedian region ( either side of midline - from posterior to anterior)
            • median longitudinal fasciculus
            • tectospinal tract
            • medial lemniscus
            • corticospinal tract
        • laterally
          • dorsal to ventral
            • inferior cerebellar peduncle
            • dorsal accessory olivary nucleus
            • medial accessory olivary nucleus
            • inferior olivary nucleus
          • anteromedially
            • arcuate nuclei
      • At the level just inferior to pons
        • lateral vestibular nucleus replaces inferior vestibular nucleus
        • cochlear nucleus
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  • hi/medulla_oblongata.txt
  • 2023/06/23 13:41
  • brahmantra