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hi:list-of-emotions [2022/05/16 10:12] – created brahmantra | hi:list-of-emotions [] () – - () |
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| ^ ^ ^ ^ | |
| | | Alarm | Doublet of Lärm. | | |
| | | Schadenfreude | Schaden (“damage, harm, mishap”) + Freude (“joy”) | | |
| | | submission | From sub- + mittō. (send) | | |
| | उदासी | Gloom | from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰley- (“to gleam, shimmer, glow”) | | |
| | उदासी | sadness | related to sit | | |
| | उलझन | confusion | From con- (“with, together”) + fundō (“pour”). | | |
| | चिढ़ | Irritation | present active infinitive of irrītō (“I excite”) | | |
| | छुटकारा | Relief | From re- + levō ( From levis (“light, not heavy”) | | |
| | तनाव | Stress | from Latin strictus (“narrow”). | | |
| | तनाव | Tension | From tendō (“to stretch, stretch out, distend, extend”) | | |
| | दिलचस्प | interest | inter- + sum | | |
| | देखभाल करने वाला | Caring | Latin garriō, | | |
| | नाराज़गी | Resentment | From re- + sentir ( from Latin sentīre, present active infinitive of sentiō, | | |
| | पसंद | Liking | from Proto-Indo-European *leyg- (“image; likeness; similarity”) | | |
| | बेबसी | Helplessness | | | |
| | मुस्तैदी | alertness | from erta (“lookout, tower”). | | |
| | लालच | Greed | Sanskrit गृद्धि (gṛddhi, “greed”), | | |
| | शक | Doubt | *dwóh₁ (“two”)) + habeō (“to have, hold”) | | |
| | शर्मिंदगी | Embarrassment | from em- (“in”) (from Latin im-) + baraço (“noose, rope”) | | |
| | शर्मिंदगी | shame | | | |
| | साज़िश | intrigue | From in- + trīcor (“dally, trifle”). | | |
| | हंसी | laughter | | | |
| Flumoxxed | | Flumoxxed | | | |
| अंतर्दृष्टि | बासीरत | insight | equivalent to in- + sight. | | |
| अकेलापन | तन्हाई | Loneliness | Shortened from alone. ( equivalent to al- (“all”) + one.) | | |
| अधीरता | बे सब्री | Impatience | present active participle of patior (“suffer, experience, wait”), | | |
| अनिच्छा | हीचकिचाहट | Reluctance | From re- + lūctor. Latin luctor (“I wrestle”) | | |
| अनुराग | शौक | Fondness | perhaps related to fonne (“idiot”). | | |
| अन्धेर | ज़ुल्म | oppress | from ob (“against”) + premere, past participle pressus (“to press”) | | |
| अपमान | तौहीन करना | Insult | from in- (prefix meaning ‘in, inside, within’) + saliō (“to bound, jump, leap; | | |
| अपराध | जुर्म | Guilt | | | |
| अमेज | हेरतजदा | Amaze | from ā- (perfective prefix) + *masian (“to confound”) | | |
| अलगाव की भावना | अजनबीयत | Alienation | From aliēnus (“foreign, alien”) | | |
| असंतुष्ट | ग़ैर | dissatisfied | from satis (“enough, sufficient”) + faciō (“I make, I do”) | | |
| असहजता | बे आरामी | discomfort | from Latin con- (“together”) + fortis (“strong”). | | |
| अस्वीकृति | ना मंजूर | disaprroval | from ad + probō (“to esteem as good, approve, prove”) | | |
| अहसास | | epiphany | from ἐπί (epí, “upon”) + φαίνω (phaínō, “I shine, appear”) | | |
| आकर्षण | कशिश | Attraction | attrahō (= ad + trahō), | | |
| आक्रामक | जरहना | aggressive | from ad (“to”) + gradi (“to walk, go”), from gradus (“step”) | | |
| आतंक | दहशत | terror | from terrēre (“to frighten, terrify”), | | |
| आत्मा ग्लानि | पछतावा | remorse | from Latin remordeō (“I torment, I vex”, literally “I bite back”), from re- + mordeō (“I bite”). | | |
| आनंद | खुशी | Delight | from de- (“away”) + laciō (“I lure, I deceive”), | | |
| आनंद | खुशी | pleasure | from Latin placeō (“to please, to seem good”), | | |
| आनंदोत्सव | खुशी | Jubilation | from Latin iūbilātiō (“a shouting for joy”) | | |
| आराम | आराम | comfort | from Latin con- (“together”) + fortis (“strong”). | | |
| आशंका | khadsha | apprehension | From ad- (“to, towards, at”) + equivalent to pre- (“fore-, pre-”) + *hendō (“to take, seize”) | | |
| आशावाद | | optimism | From Latin optimus, | | |
| आशावान | उम्मीदमंद | hopeful | | | |
| आश्चर्य | ताज्जुब | wonder | | | |
| आश्चर्य | हैरत | surprise | from sor- (“over”) + prendre (“to take”) | | |
| आसक्ति | सहर | Infatuation | in + From fatuus (“foolish”) (Attraction) | | |
| इच्छा | ख्वाइश | Desire | from de- + sidus (in the phrase de sidere, "from the stars") | | |
| ईर्ष्या | हसद | envy | from in- (“on, upon”) + videre (“to look, see”). | | |
| ईर्ष्या द्वेष | हसद | Jealousy | from Ancient Greek ζῆλος (zêlos, “zeal, jealousy”) | | |
| उत्साह | josh | Zeal | from Ancient Greek ζῆλος (zêlos, “zeal, jealousy”), | | |
| उत्साह | खुशी | Elation | short form of ex, + ferō (“carry, bear”). | | |
| उत्साह | जोश | Excitement | from ex (“out”) + ciere (“call, summon”) | | |
| उत्साह करना | हौसला अफजाई | motivate | motivum (“motive, moving cause”), neuter of motivus (“serving to move”). | | |
| उत्साही | पूरा जोश | enthusiastic | contracted form of ἔνθεος (éntheos, “possessed by a god”) | | |
| उत्सुकता | बेताबी | Eagerness | from Latin acer (“sharp, keen”); | | |
| उदासी | पुरानी यादें | Nostalgia | Ancient Greek νόστος (nóstos, “returning home”) + ἄλγος (álgos, “pain”), | | |
| उदासी | बुरीयत | boredom | Cognate with Latin forō (“to bore, to pierce”) | | |
| उदासी | मायूसी | dejection | From dē- (“from, down from, away from”) + iaciō (“throw, hurl”). | | |
| उदासीनता | बे हिसि | indifference | From dis- (“apart”) + ferō (“carry, bear”) | | |
| उमंग | जोश | Enthusiasm | from ἐν (en, “in”) + θεός (theós, “god”) + οὐσία (ousía, “essence”). | | |
| उल्लंघन | गुस्सा | outrage | from Latin rabiēs (“anger, fury”). | | |
| उल्लास | खुशी | Glee | | | |
| एकांत | अलेहद्गी | Isolation | from isolé, placed on an island (thus away from other people) | | |
| कठोरता | सख्ती | sterness | | | |
| कुटिलता | घटियापन | cynicism | From κῠ́ων (kúōn, “dog”) + -ῐκός (-ikós) | | |
| कोमलता | नर्मी | Tenderness | from Latin tener, tenerum (“soft, delicate”). | | |
| कौतुहल | मशकूक | Suspense | sub- + pendo ( I suspend, hang) | | |
| क्रूरता | दरिंदगी | Ferocity | from ferox (“fierce”), from ferus (“wild, savage, fierce”) | | |
| क्रूरता | ज़ुल्म | Cruelty | crūdēlis (“cruel, hard-hearted”) (crudus) | | |
| क्रोध | गुस्सा | anger | Sanskrit अंहु (aṃhu, “anxiety, distress”). | | |
| क्रोध | गुस्सा | Wrath | | | |
| क्रोधी | बदतमीज़ | Grumpy | | | |
| ख़ुशी | खुशी | happiness | an alteration of Middle English happyn, happen (“fortunate, happy”), | | |
| खीज | गुस्सा | Exasperation | possibly from ( ex + aspera ) | | |
| खेद | अफसोस | Regret | equivalent to re- + greet. | | |
| गम | ग़म | Sorrow | Sanskrit सूर्क्षति (sū́rkṣati, “worry”) | | |
| गौरव | फक्र | Pride | derivative of Old English prūd (“proud”). | | |
| घबराना | कांपना | tremble | From tremulus (“a trembling”), from tremō (“shake, tremble”). | | |
| घबराहट | | panic | from Ancient Greek πανικός (panikós, “pertaining to Pan; of fear: baseless”) | | |
| घबराहट | तहरीक | Agitation | From agō (“do, act, make”) + -itō (frequentative suffix). | | |
| घिन आना | ताना देना | Scorn | from Proto-Indo-European *(s)ker- (“to cut”)) | | |
| घृणा | नफरत | aversion | From ab- + vertō | | |
| घृणा | नफरत | disgust | from des- (“dis-”) + gouster, goster (“to taste”), | | |
| घृणा | नफरत अंगेज़ | Loathing | | | |
| चकित | | Astonish | astun (“to astonish, confound, stun”), | | |
| चिंता | तशवीश | concern | combined form of con- + cernō (“distinguish”). | | |
| चिंता | फिकर / फिक्र | worry | Compare Latin urgere (“to press, push”), | | |
| चिंता | बेचैनी | anxiety | from angō (“to distress, trouble”) | | |
| चिढ़ | झनझलाहट | Annoyance | From in- + odiō (“hate”), a verb based on odium (“hatred, loathing”) | | |
| चेतना | जज़्बात | sentience | from Latin sentiēns, present participle of sentiō (“feel, sense”) | | |
| ज़िंदादिली | जोश ओ खरोश | Exhilaration | (from Ancient Greek ἱλαρός (hilarós, “cheerful, merry”), | | |
| जिज्ञासा | तजस्सुस | curiosity | From cūra (“care, concern, worry”) + -osus (“suffix forming adjectives from nouns”). | | |
| जुनून | जज्बा | Passion | from Latin passio (“suffering”), | | |
| झटका | झटका | shock | | | |
| डर | खौफ | fear | Latin perīculum (“danger, risk, trial”) | | |
| डराना | खौफजादा | horrify | Latin horror (“a bristling, a shaking, trembling as with cold or fear, terror”) | | |
| तंग करना | छेड़ छाड़ | molest | Cognate with Ancient Greek μῶλος (môlos) | | |
| तबदीली | बग़ावत | revulsion | re + vello (wool) | | |
| तिरस्कार | हिकारत | disdain | from dignus (“worthy”) | | |
| तेज़ी | गुस्सा | rage | from Vulgar Latin *rabia, from Latin rabiēs (“anger, fury”). | | |
| दया | | Pity | Equivalent to pius (“pious, devout”) + -tās (“-ty, -dom”) | | |
| दया | हमदर्दी | Compassion | from Latin passio (“suffering”), | | |
| दान पुण्य | sadqa | Charity | From cārus (“dear, expensive”) + -tās. | | |
| धैर्य | सब्र | Patience | present active participle of patior (“suffer, experience, wait”), | | |
| नम्रता | शाइस्तगी | Modesty | | | |
| निंदा | तौहीन | contempt | from com- + temnō (“I despise”) | | |
| निराशा | मायूसी | Despair | from des- (“dis-”) + esperer (“hope”). | | |
| निराशा | मायूसी | Disappointment | from des - (dis-) + Latin ad + punctum (“a point”). | | |
| निराशा | मायूसी | frustration | from fraus (“harm, injury”). , From frūstrō (“deceive, trick”) + -tiō. | | |
| निराशावादी | मायूसी पसंद | pessimist | from *ped- (“to walk, fall, stumble”) | | |
| परमानंद | | Ecstasy | from ἐκ (ek, “out”) and ἵστημι (hístēmi, “I stand”) | | |
| परमानंद | नेमतोन | Bliss | | | |
| परेशान | हरासन करना | harass | possibly from hither + thither (compound ) | | |
| पहेली | मोआमना | puzzlement | Possibly from pose (“to perplex, puzzle, interrogate”) | | |
| पीड़ा | अजियत | Agony | from Ancient Greek ἀγωνία (agōnía, “emulation, competition, struggle”) | | |
| पूर्वानुमान करना | मुतावक्का | anticipate | from ante (“before”), + capere (“take”) | | |
| प्यार | मोहब्बत | Love | Sanskrit लोभ (lobha, “desire, greed”). | | |
| प्रतिकूलता | कजरवि | Perversity | per- (“thoroughly”) + verto (“I turn”) | | |
| प्रबोधन | रोशन खयाली | enlightenment | inlighten (“to enlighten, illuminate”) | | |
| प्रभाव | असर ओ रसूख | influence | from in- (“in-”) + fluō (“flow”) | | |
| प्रभाव | ग़लबा | dominance | | | |
| प्रशंसा | तारीफ | Admiration | from prefix ad- (“to, towards”) + mīrō (“I look at”) + -ātiō. | | |
| प्रसन्न | खुश | pleased | from Latin placēre (“to please, to seem good”) | | |
| प्रसन्नता | खुश मिजाज | Joviality | | | |
| प्रेरित करना | हौसला अफजाई | inspire | from in + spīrō (“breathe”), | | |
| बाफ़ल | चकरा जाना | Baffle | Perhaps related to French bafouer (“to scorn”) | | |
| बेचैनी | मायूसी | Dismay | from ex- + *magare (“to enable, empower”) | | |
| भय | खौफ | awe | | | |
| भय | खौफ | dread | from and- + rǣdan (whence read); | | |
| भय | खौफ | Fright | | | |
| भाव | जज़्बात | sentiment | Equivalent to sentiō + -mentum. | | |
| भुलाना | हैरानकिन | Bewilder | From be- (prefix used as an intensifier) + wilder (“to lead astray; to go astray, wander”) | | |
| भेद्यता | कमजोरी | Vulnerability | from Latin vulnerō (“I wound”). | | |
| मनोरंजन | तफरी | amusement | Middle French amuser (“to amuse, divert, babble”), | | |
| मायूस | मायूसी | dispirited | from Latin spīrō (“I breathe, blow, respire”) | | |
| मित्रता | दोस्ती | Friendliness | equivalent to free + -nd. | | |
| मेलानोचोली | | melanocholy | (melan-, “black, dark, murky”) + χολή (kholḗ, “bile”). | | |
| रोमांच | सनसनी | thrill | From Old English þȳrlian (“to pierce”), derived from þȳrel (“hole”) | | |
| रोष | गुस्सा | Fury | from Latin furia (“rage”) | | |
| रोष | गुस्सा | indignation | from in- (“not”) + dignus (“worthy, appropriate”) | | |
| लापरवाह | ला परवाह | Carefree | | | |
| वश में करना | रोकना | quell | Cognate with German quälen (“to torment; agonise; smite”) | | |
| विकृति | बीमारी | morbidness | from morbus (“sickness”), itself from the root of morī (“to die”) | | |
| विनम्रता | आजज़ी | Humility | from humilis (“low, lowly, humble, earth”) | | |
| विरक्ति | | ennui | from Late Latin inodiō, from Latin in odiō (“hated”). Doublet of annoy. | | |
| विरोध | दुश्मनी | Rivalry | Latin rīvālis (literally “person using the same stream as another”), | | |
| विरोध | बावजूद | Spite | from Latin dēspiciō (“to look down, despise”) | | |
| विश्राम | आराम | Relaxation | from re- (“back”) + laxāre (“loosen”), | | |
| विश्वास | एतमाद | trust | | | |
| विश्वास है | पर एतमाद | confident | from con- (“with”) + fīdō (“trust”). | | |
| वैराग्य | mortification | Mortification | From mors (“death”) + -ficō (“-fy”). | | |
| शक्तिहीनता | बे इख्तियारी | Powerlessness | from Vulgar Latin *potēre, from Latin possum, posse (“to be able”); | | |
| शत्रुता | दुश्मनी | Hostility | Equivalent to hostis (“enemy”) + -īlis. | | |
| शांत | पुरसुकून | Calm | may derive from Late Latin cauma (“heat of the midday sun”), | | |
| शांति | सुकून | serenity | serēnus (clear ) | | |
| शील | शाइस्तगी | Politeness | From Latin polītus (“polished”), past participle of poliō (“I polish, smooth”) | | |
| शोक | ग़म | grief | from Latin gravis (“heavy, grievous, sad”). Doublet of grave. | | |
| संकट | तकलीफ | Distress | from dis- (“apart”) + stringere (“to draw tight, strain”). | | |
| संकोची | खुद होश | self conscious | | | |
| संतुष्टि | इत्मीनान | Satisfaction | satis (“enough, sufficient”) + faciō (“to make, construct”) | | |
| संतोष | कनात | Contentment | From con- (“with, together”) + tendō (“stretch, extend; contend”) | | |
| सफ़र का अनुराग | आवारा गर्दी | Wanderlust | From wandern (“to hike/wander”) + Lust (“joy”) | | |
| सहानुभूति | हमदर्दी | Empathy | (formed from ἐν (en, “in, at”) + πάθος (páthos, “feeling”)) | | |
| सहानुभूति | हमदर्दी | Sympathy | sym- (“acting or considered together”) + -pathy (“feeling”). | | |
| साहस | हिम्मत | Courage | from Latin cor (“heart”) | | |
| स्नेह | प्यार | Affection | Equivalent to ad- + faciō (“do, make”) | | |
| हर्ष | खुशी | Gladness | Latin glaber (“smooth; hairless; bald”) | | |
| हर्ष | खुशी | joy | Latin gaudium (“joy”), from gaudēre (“to be glad, rejoice”). | | |
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