
अधः शंखिय खात

  • Infratemporal fossa ( अधः शंखिय खात )
    • Irregular space below zygomatic arch ( अनियमित अंतरिक्ष गंड चाप के नीचे )
    • Boundaries ( किनारे )
      • Anterior ( अग्र )
        • Posterior surface of body of maxilla ( ऊर्ध्वहनु कअ पश्च स्तर )
      • Roof (छत )
        • Infratemporal surface of greater wing of sphenoid ( पक्षाभास्थि के महा पंख का अधः स्तर )
      • Medial
        • Lateral pterygoid plate and pyramidal process of palatine bone (
      • Lateral
        • Ramus of mandible
    • Contents
      • Lateral pterygoid muscle
      • Medial pterygoid muscle
      • Mandibular nerve with its branches
      • Maxillary nerve with its branches
      • Chorda tympani nerve
      • 1st and 2nd parts of maxillary artery with their branches
      • Posterior superior alveolar artery , branch of 3rd part of maxillary artery
      • Accompanying veins
    • Relations of lateral pterygoid ( पार्श्व पक्षाभिका )
      • Superficial
        • Masseter
        • Ramus of mandible
        • Tendon of temporalis
        • Maxillary artery
      • Deep
        • Mandibular nerve
        • Middle meningeal artery
        • Sphenomandibular ligament
        • Deep head of medial pterygoid
      • Structures emerging from upper border
      • Structures emerging from lower border
        • Lingual nerve
        • Inferior alveolar nerve
        • Middle meningeal artery and accesory meningeal artery
      • Structures passing through gap between two heads
        • Maxillary artery enters gap
        • Buccal branch of mandibular nerve
    • Relations of medial pterygoid ( मध्य पक्षाभिका )
      • Superficial
        • Upper part separated from lateral pterygoid by
        • Lateral pterygoid plate
        • Lingual nerve
        • Inferior alveolar nerve
      • Deep relations
        • Tensor veli palatini
        • Superior constrictor of pharynx
        • Styloglossus
        • Stylopharyngeus
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  • hi/infratemporal-fossa.txt
  • 2023/06/17 12:42
  • brahmantra