
ग्रीवा का अग्र भाग

    • - Superior ( ऊर्ध्व ) - inferior border of mandible (
    • - Medial - midline of neck ( गर्दन की मध्य रेखा )
    • - Lateral ( पार्श्व ) - anterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle ( पेशी )
    • Muscles: ( पेशी )
      • thyrohyoid, sternothyroid, sternohyoid muscles
    • Organs: ( अङ्ग् )
      • thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, larynx, trachea, esophagus, submandibular gland, caudal part of the parotid gland
    • Arteries: ( धमनी )
      • superior and inferior thyroid, common carotid, external carotid, internal carotid artery (and sinus), facial, submental, lingual arteries
    • Veins: (शिरा )
      • anterior jugular veins, internal jugular, common facial, lingual, superior thyroid, middle thyroid veins, facial vein, submental vein, lingual veins
    • Nerves: ( तंत्रिका )
  • Subdivisions:
    • - Muscular (omotracheal) triangle ( पेशी त्रिकोण , श्वासस्कन्ध त्रिकोण )
      • Borders ( किनारे )
        • Superior - hyoid bone ( ऊपर - कंठास्थि )
        • Lateral - superior belly of omohyoid and anterior border of sternocleidomastoid
          • पार्श्व ऊपर ( superolateral) - स्कन्धकंठ पेशी
          • पार्श्व नीचे ( inferolateral) - sternocleidomastoid
        • Medial ( मध्य ) - midline of neck ( ग्रीवा का मध्य रेखा )
      • Contents ( अंतर्वस्तु )
        • Muscles(पेशी ): thyrohyoid, sternothyroid, sternohyoid
        • Vessels(वाहिका ): superior and inferior thyroid arteries, anterior jugular veins
        • Viscera(अङ्ग् ): thyroid gland ( अवटु ग्रन्थि ), parathyroid glands ( परवाटू ग्रन्थि ), larynx ( स्वरयंत्र ), trachea ( श्वासनाल ), esophagus ( ग्रसनाल )
    • - Carotid triangle ( कर्णग्रीवा त्रिकोण )
      • Borders ( किनारा )
        • Anterior(अग्र ) - superior belly of omohyoid muscle
        • Superior ( ऊर्ध्व ) - stylohyoid and posterior belly of digastric muscles
        • Posterior( पश्च ) - anterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle
      • Contents ( अंतर्वस्तु )
        • Arteries(धमनी ): common carotid, external carotid (and branches except maxillary, superficial temporal and posterior auricular), internal carotid artery (and sinus)
        • Veins(शिरा): internal jugular, common facial, lingual, superior thyroid, middle thyroid veins
        • Nerves(तंत्रिका ): vagus nerve (CN X), hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), part of sympathetic trunk
    • - Submandibular triangle ( अध:हनु त्रिकोण )
      • Borders
        • Superior ( ऊर्ध्व ) - inferior border of mandible
        • Lateral (पार्श्व )- anterior belly of digastric muscle
        • Medial (मध्य )- posterior belly of digastric muscle
      • Contents ( अंतर्वस्तु )
        • Viscera: submandibular gland and lymph nodes (anteriorly), caudal part of the parotid gland (posteriorly)
        • Vessels: facial artery and vein, submental artery and vein, lingual arteries and veins
        • Nerves: mylohyoid, hypoglossal (CN XII)
    • - Submental triangle ( अधःचिबुक त्रिकोण )
      • Borders (किनारा )
        • Inferior ( अधः ) - hyoid bone ( कंठास्थि )
        • Lateral ( पार्श्व )- anterior belly of digastric muscle
        • Medial (मध्य ) - midline of neck ( ग्रीवा का मध्य रेखा )
      • Contents (अंतर्वस्तु )
        • Anterior jugular vein, submental lymph nodes
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  • hi/front-of-neck.txt
  • 2023/06/19 09:37
  • brahmantra