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  • lipids
    • simple lipids
      • fats
        • contain alcohol called glycerol
        • Natural fats
          • fatty acids
            • Palmitic acid
            • Stearic acid
            • Oleic Acid
      • waxes
        • bees wax
        • Chinese wax
        • Carnauba wax
        • Lanoline or wool wax
    • compound lipids
      • phospholipids
        • lecithin
        • cephalin
          • ethanolamine cephalin
          • serine cephalin
          • inositol cephalin
        • sphingomyelin
      • glycolipids
        • cerebrosides
        • gangliosides
      • Sulpholipids
      • Lipoproteins
    • derived lipids
      • fatty acids
        • saturated fatty acids
        • unsaturated fatty acids
          • oleic acid
          • linoleic acid
          • linolenic acid
          • arachindonic acid
        • cyclic fatty acids
      • Glycerides
      • Bases
        • choline
        • ethanolamine
        • sphingosine
        • serine
      • Alcohols other than glycerol
    • Substances associated with lipids
      • carotenoids
      • Tocopherols
      • Steroids
        • sterols
          • cholesterol
          • ergosterol
          • coprosterol
        • bile acids
        • steroid hormones
          • male sex hormones
          • female sex hormones
          • adrenocortical hormones
          • calcitriol
        • toad poisons
        • saponins
        • cardiac glycoside
      • Vitamins A,D,E and K


fats चर्भी , वसा , वपा
oil तेल
Palmitic palma, which refers to the palm tree
oleic oleic is derived from oleum, the Latin word for oil
stearic stearic comes from stear, which is the Greek word for tallow (animal fat)
cerebroside cerebro- referring to the brain
gangliosides Ganglio- is derived from the Greek word ganglion, meaning knot or swelling
sphingosides Sphinx, a mythical creature with a lion's body and a human head
myelin Myelin comes from the Greek word myelos, meaning marrow or spinal cord
linoleic Linoleic is derived from linoleum, and it has its roots in the Latin words linum (flax) and oleum (oil)
lecithin The term lecithin comes from the Greek word lekithos, meaning egg yolk
choline The word choline is derived from the Greek word cholē, meaning bile
serine Serine is named after the silk protein sericin,
carotenoids Carotenoid is derived from the Latin word carota, meaning carrot.
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  • hi/fats.txt
  • 2023/12/09 09:04
  • brahmantra