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*I. The GENERAL CAUSES OF DISEASE, may be distinguished into such as are either

  • conditions related to bone tissue
    • decreased bone height
      • short stature , cretinism , dwarf
    • increased bone height
      • acromegaly , gigantism
  • decreased cell size or muscle mass and fat due to decreased nutrition or other causes
    • muscular atrophy and dystrophy , gland atrophy
    • low birth weight baby , lean , thin built body , starvation , malnutrition disorders
    • marasmus , kwashirokar
  • increased cell size or muscle mass or fat due to increased nutrition or other causes
    • hepatomegaly , splenomegaly , thyromegaly
    • obesity
  • कुपोषण , दुष्पोषण
  • अपोषण , शोष
  • अतिपुष्टि , अतिवृद्धि
  • त्वचाशोथ
  • जलन
  • खाज
  • कूपशोथ
  • रूसी
  • Other bodies of a malignant dangerous quality, ‖ either spreading their efficacy by insensible Effluvia: or such as being taken in a small quantity, prove destructive to life.
    • CONTAGION, Infection, taint, catching, run, spread, diffuse.
    • POISON, Venom, envenom, virulent.
  • Violent motion; causing either ‖ a dissolution of continuity: or too great a pressure upon the parts, when the skin is not cut.
    • WOUND, Hurt▪ Sore, vulnerary, cut, break ones head, Scarr.
    • BRUISE, Contusion, crush, batter, shatter.
erosion , abrasion , scratch , rupture , perforation , wounds

Humors; whether ‖ as to the error of Excess: or bad disposition.

  • PLETHORA, Fulness.
  • CACOCHYMIA, Ill humors.

Qualities; ‖ according to the general name, denoting Excess or Defect: or that particular Indisposition which is most frequent, name∣ly, too much Heat.


Hollow organs

Stopping, or blowing of them up.

  • OBSTRUCTION, Oppilation.
  • INFLATION, puffed up, flatulent, windy.

Putrefying, of them; considered according to the usual

  • Antecedent, or Cause; ‖ a Collection of putrid matter.
    • ABSCESSUS, Aposteme.
  • Consequent, or Effect; in relation to the
    • Aperture or Cavity made by the Corrosion of this putrid mat∣ter; being either ‖ roundish, or oblong.
      • ULCER, Sore, Botch, Canker.
      • FISTULA.
    • Defect of animal spirits, whereby Sense and Motion is to be com∣municated, so as a part becomes cadaverous and mortified, ac∣cording to a ‖ lesser: or greater degree.
      • GANGRENE.
      • SPHACELUS.
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  • hi/etiological_conditions.txt
  • 2024/04/05 17:26
  • brahmantra