
  • ऋतु ( season )
  • आयन ( 180 days)
  • वर्ष ( year)

V. Unto the Measure of TIME may be adjoyned for its affinity the word which signifies the Permanency of any thing in its existence,* from its beginning to its end, DURATION, abide, continue, persist, endure, hold out, last long, persevere, everlasting, survive.

Time is usually distributed by the Revolution of the heavenly Bodies, or rather of the Earth and Moon, into such Spaces as are required to a revolution of the

  • Earth in its Orb; according to the
    • Whole
      • साल , वर्ष , संवत्सर , सालगिरह , बरसी , वर्षगांठ , वार्षिकोत्सव , प्रतिवार्षिक तिथि , बारह महिना , सालाना , वात्सरिक
    • Parts; considerable as being the proper seasons for the ( ऋतु , समा , षडृतु ( six season ) , ऋतुनाथ , ऋतुराज( king of seasons ) )
      • Growth and ripening of Vegetables.
        • SPRING, Vernal. फलागम ( fruit season ) , सुरभिसमय , फल्गु , वसन्तर्तु , पुष्पसमय ( flower season ) ,
        • ग्रीष्मकालीन , गर्मी , सुग्रीष्म ( fine summer) , ऊष्म ग्रीष्महास ( summer smiles ) , उत्तरायण ( summer solstice ) , ग्रीष्मजा ( born or grow in summer ) , तापन , उष्णकाल , घर्ममास
      • Decaying of Vegetables, according to ‖ a lesser: or greater degree.
        • AUTUMN, Fall of the Leaf, Harvest. , शरद , वर्षावसान
        • WINTER, Hybernal, hyemal. हिमा , शिशिरकाल , तुषारर्तु , शीतकाल ,
      • वरिषा , जलदकाल , मेघकाल , वृष्टिकाल , अभ्रागम
  • Moon in its own proper course about the Earth: to which may be ad∣joyned the usual name given to the fourth part of this.
    • MONTH, Menstrual. ( मास , महिना , चंद्रमास , सूर्यमास )
    • Fortnight.
      • waxing phase
      • waning phase
    • WEEK, Sennight, हफ्ता , सप्ताह , वारी , सप्तदिवस , वारी / वार (day of week )
  • Earth about its Axis; according to the
    • Whole
      • DAY NATURAL, Quotidian. प्रतिदिन , दैनिक , दिवस , दिन , नवदिन , तिथि (तारीख , date)
    • Parts;
      • Greater;
        • Time while the Sun continues ‖ above: or below the Horizon.
          • DAY ARTIFICIAL, Diurnal. अद्य (आज ) , श्व ( tomorrow ) , ह्य ( yesterday ) , ऐतिह्य , सद्यः , ऐतिह्य
          • NIGHT, Nocturnal, Pernoctation, lodge. ( रात्री , रात ,
            • Full Moon ( पूर्णिमा )
            • New Moon ( अमावस्या )
        • Part of the day artificial, ‖ former: or later.
          • MORNING, Mattins, early, dawning, betimes.
          • AFTERNOON, Evening.
      • Lesser parts of time; being each of them ‖ the 24th part of a natu∣ral day, called an Hour: or the 60th part of an hour.
        • HOUR, Horary. क्षणाण्ड ( hour ) , घंटा ,
        • MINUTE, मिनट , क्षण (minute )
        • SECOND , क्षणाणु (second)
कुम्भ ♒︎ aquarius , water bearer माघः full moon
मीन ♓︎ pisces , fish फाल्गुनः holi / purinma
मेष ♈︎ ram , aries चैत्रः hanuman jayanti
वृश ♉︎ bull , taurus वैशाखः buddha purnima
मिथुन ♊︎ gemini , twins ज्येष्ठः vat savitri purnima
कर्क ♋︎ cancer , crab आषाढ़ः guru vyas purnima
सिंग ♌︎ leo , lion श्रावणः raksha bandhan
कन्या ♍︎ virgo , virgin भाद्रपदः shraddha purnima
तुला ♎︎ libra , balance आश्विनः Sharad purnima
वृश्चिका ♏︎ scorpion कार्तिक kartik purnima
धनुष ♐︎ saggitarius , bowman मार्गशीर्षः dattatreya purnima
मकर ♑︎ capricorn , crocodile पौषः shakanbhari purnima
चंद्र ग्रहण
  • रात्री ( period of darkness , night , night time )
    • तिथि ( Every day of a lunar month is called tithi. )
      • चंद्र पक्ष ( lunar fortnight )
        • शुक्ल पक्ष
        • कृष्ण पक्ष
      • midnight
  • twilight , evening
    • dusk , after sunset , before night fall
    • dawn , after night , before sunrise
  • दिन ( period of light )
    • वार ( every day of solar month is called vaari)
Chandra paksha Lunar fortnight
Shukla paksha Waxing Moon / Brightening Amavasya – to — Purnima ( 15 days)
Krishna Paksha Waning Moon / Fading Purnima – to – Amavasya ( 15 days )
Lunar eclipse Chandra grahan
Full moon purnima
New moon amavasya
  • Stars constellation - each month
  • 12 new moons in a year - black moon are signs of rest and no new work is started today.
  • 12 full moons in a year - white moons are auspicious and good
  • 24 half moons ( 12 in each cycle )
एतवार रवि वासर
सोमवार इंदु वासर
मंगलवार भौम वासर
बुधवार सौम्य वासर
गुरूवार बृहस्पति वासर
शुक्रवार भृगु वासर
शनिवार स्थिर वासर
दिन दिन
सूर्यवत धूपदार , धूप
ग़ौरूब आफताब सूर्यास्त
तुलु आफताब सूर्योदय
गर्मी का मौसम ग्रीष्म ऋतु
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  • hi/earth_clock.txt
  • 2024/08/02 14:22
  • brahmantra