
संचारण प्रणाली का विकास

  • splanchnopleuric mesoderm ( source )
    • intraembryonic coelom
      • pericardial cavity
    • Cardiogenic area
      • two cardiogenic tubes are formed
        • Fuse to form one cardiogenic tube
          • Endothelial heart tube
            • segments or compartments called dilatations
              • आद्य हृद्कंद ( BULBUS CORDIS)
                • आद्य धमनी तुंड / काण्ड ( truncus arteriosus )
                  • right superior and left inferior swellings
                    • fuse to form Spiral septum
                      • आरोही महाधमनी
                      • फुसफूसीय धमनी
                  • Continuous with धमनी थैली ( aortic sac )
                    • right and left pharyngeal arch arteries ( ग्रसनी चाप धमनी )
                • आद्य निलय बाह्यवाह ( CONUS CORDIS )
                  • two bulbar ridges appear from the wall
                    • fuse to form bulbar septum
                      • grows down to fuse with
                        • interventricular septum but unable to fuse
                          • gap is left ( shunt )
                          • filled by AV cushions proliferation
                  • outflow tracts of right and left ventricle
                  • gets merged with primitive ventricle
                • आद्य निलयकंद ( PROXIMAL PART )
                  • gets merged with primitive ventricle
              • आद्य विलय ( PRIMITIVE VENTRICLE )
              • आद्य आलय ( PRIMTIVE ATRIUM )
                • arises from roof of atrium
                  • first arises septum primum to the left of septum spurium
                    • grows towards AV canal
                      • before fusing the connection between right and left side is called
                        • foramen primum
                      • After it fuses with it
                        • dividing it in to chambers but
                          • breaking of septum primum occurs
                            • resulting in formation of foramen secundum
                  • secondly arises septum secundum to the right of septum primum
                    • overlaps with free upper edge of septum primum
                      • now the gap is called foramen ovale
                        • Blood flows from right atrium to left atrium
                      • After birth left atrium starts receving oxygenated blood from lungs
                        • so the upper part that is septum secundum
                          • fuses with the lower part that is septum primum
                            • to form a complete septum and in adults
                              • lower free edge of septum secundum is called as annulus ovalis
                              • upper edge of septum primum is called fossa ovalis
                  • before forming of real chambers
                    • left atrial chamber
                      • when the septum primum appears
                        • single pulmonary vein opens in to left atrium
                          • it divides outside chamber in to
                            • right
                              • divides in to two
                                • gets absorbed in to left atrium
                                  • pulmonary veins
                            • left
                              • divides in to two
                                • gets absorbed in to left atrium
                                  • pulmonary veins
                    • right atrial chamber
              • आद्य शिरा कोटर ( sinus venosus )
                • आद्य दायाँ शिरानाल (right horn )
                  • हृदिय शिरा (right Cardinal vein)
                    • part of Superior venacava
                  • नाभि शिरा (right Umbilical vein)
                  • पीतक शिरा (right Vitelline vein)
                    • terminal part of inferior venacava
                  • Gets absorbed in to right atrium
                • आद्य बायाँ शिरानाल ( left horn )
                  • हृदिय शिरा (left Cardinal vein)
                  • नाभि शिरा (left Umbilical vein)
                  • पीतक शिरा (left Vitelline vein)
                  • Gets Absorbed in to right atrium
                    • coronary sinus
            • connected or separated by
              • Bulbo-ventricular sulcus
                • From floor of bulboventricular cavity
                  • interventricular septum
                    • meets the fused AV cushions ( septum intermedium )
              • Atrio -ventricular canal (AV Canal)
                • atrioventricular cushion appear on walls
                  • dorsal and ventral
                    • fuse to form septum intermedium
                • right half of atrioventricular canal
                  • gets absorbed in to right atrium
                • left half of atrioventricular canal
                  • gets absorbed in to left atrium
              • Sino-Atrial orifice ( आद्य शिर निलय छिद्र )
                • gradually it becomes narrow
                  • shifts to right
                    • forms a slit
                      • margins
                        • right margin
                          • expands to form
                            • crista terminalis
                            • valve of inferior venacava
                            • valve of coronary sinus
                        • left margin
                    • fuses to form
                      • septum spurium
  • Primitive Aorta
    • Ventral Aorta
      • two ventral aorta fuse to form
        • Aortic sac
          • right horn
            • 6 arterial arches
          • left horn
            • 6 arterial arches
          • Dissapearing arches
            • Greater part 1st and 2nd arch arteries dissapear
            • 5th also dissapears
          • 3rd and 4th arch arteries open in to ventral part of aortic sac
            • spiral septum fuses with aortic sac in such a way that
              • blood from aorta reaches
                • only 3rd and 4th arch artery
            • 3rd arch artery gives off a bud
              • cranially to form external carotid artery
          • 6th arch artery opens in to dorsal part
            • spiral septum fuses with aortic sac in such a way that
              • blood from pulmonary trunk reaches
                • only 6th arch artery
            • gives off an artery to developing lung bud
              • right side portion of it dissapears
              • left side it remains patent called
                • ductus arteriosus
                  • blood from right ventricle to dorsal aorta
                    • obliterated after birth
                      • seen as ligamentum arteriosum
    • Dorsal Aorta
      • grown cranially
        • beyond the point of attachment of first arch artery
          • ductus caroticus dissapears
          • Portion of right dorsal aorta dissapears
            • between 4th arch artery and fusion of two dorsal aorta
          • 6 th arc
        • gives off series of lateral intersegmental branches
          • 7 th cervical intersegmental artery
            • supplies upper limb bud
      • truncus arteriosus
        • ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk
      • Arch of aorta
        • ventral part of aortic sac
        • left horn of aortic sac and 4th arch artery
      • Descending aorta
        • Left dorsal aorta below the attachment of 4th arch artery
      • Brachiocephalic artery
        • right horn of aortic sac


Angiogenesis वाहिकाजनन
Cardiac progenitor cell हृद प्रजनक कोशिका
Vasculogenesis वाहिकाजनन


Aortic sac महाधमनी थैली
Auricle आलयिका
Bulboventricular loop निलयकंद कुंडली
Bulbus cordis हृद्कंद
Cardiogenic area हृदजनक क्षेत्र
Crista terminalis अंतः कटक
Ductus caroticus ग्रीवः धमनी
Epicardial ridge अधिहृद कटक
Epicardium अधिहृद्स्तर
Heart tubes हृद नली
Ligamentum.venosum शिरा स्नायू
Ligamentum arteriosum धमनी स्नायू
Mesocardium मध्यहृद
Myocardium हृदपेशी
Pericardial bar परिहृद स्तम्भ
Pericardial bulge परिहृद उभाड़
Pericardial sac परिहृद थैली
Primitive aorta आद्य महाधमनी
Primitive atrium आद्य आलिंद
Primitive heart आद्य हृदय
Primitive ventricle आद्य निलय
Right horn दाया किरट
Sinus venarum


Septum primum प्रमुख आद्य पट
Septum secundum द्वितीय आद्य पट
Septum spurium मिथ्या आद्य पट
Bulboventricular sulcus निलयकंद परिखा


Foramen ovale अंडाकार छिद्र
Foramen secundum द्वितीय आद्य छिद्र


Ventral aorta उदर-संबंधी महाधमनी
Sinus venosus शिरा कोटर
Truncus arteriosus धमनी तुंड / काण्ड
Truncus chorii तुंड
Cardinal vein हृदिय शिरा
Dorsal aorta पृष्ठ महाधमनी
Ductus arteriosus धमनी नलीका
Umbilical vein नाभि शिरा
Vitelline vein पीतक शिरा
First aortic arch प्रथम महाधमनी चाप
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  • hi/development-of-circulatory-system.txt
  • 2023/06/06 06:40
  • brahmantra