

While the category of Configuration from the preceding section distinguishes the relationships between the individual members of a set in terms of physical similarities, physical connections, and number of component-entities, the category of Affiliation operates to distinguish the member relationships in terms of subjective purpose, function, or benefit. Affiliation operates synergistically in conjunction with Configuration to describe the total contextual relationship between the members of a set.

  • Relation between two dimensional strokes , The application of the Agent to the Patient, or the reception of the force of the Agent. , Relations between reality , virtuality , cognitivity and irregularity by the means of
  • Relations of actions
  • related to changes in state of whole body or a part of it concerning with performing


II. That which any way contributes to the producing of an effect,* is styled CAUSE, Reason, Ground, Principle, proceed from, procure, produce, make, constitute, In∣fluence, raise, put, set, bring to pass.

That which proceeds from, or depends upon the Cause, is styled EFFECT, Event, Issue, Fruit, accrue, Success, spring from, become, grow, come of it, impression, Product.

Causes are commonly distributed into

By which things are done;whether

More immediate and absolute

More immediate and absolute; either ‖ more principal, of which the first Acti∣on is, or less principal, and subservient to the chief Agent.

more remote
  • कर्ता ; serving either to
    • उत्तेजित (Excite) या अवरुद्ध करना(restrain it)
      • Excitatory agent , IMPULSIVE, Incentive, Motive, Reason, Ground, Concitation, Instiga∣tion, Inducement, impell, stimulate, stir up, prick forward, spur on, rouse, quicken, irritate▪ provoke, excite, egging, incite, Instinct, Conside∣ration, put on, set at or on, move, urge, draw in.
        • ENABLER
      • Restraining agents , COHIBITIVE, restrain, check, curb, with-hold, keep short or back, in∣hibit, repress, hold in, bridling, stint, coerce, confine, limit, no ho, stay, staunch, moderate, master, controle.
    • Regulatory agents ; Direct and regulate its Action; either ‖ by that Idea which the Agent hath in his mind of some like case, or by some Pattern before his eyes.
      • EXEMPLAR, Example, Instance, Idea, Precedent, Cause.
        • Control , manage , handle , regulate
      • TYPE, Pattern, Platform, Model, Last, Mold, Prototype, Antitype, Extract, Original, Copy, Counterpart, Draught, Sampler, Proof, Duplicate, exem∣plifie, prefigure.
  • Its semantic role is that of कर्म ( The Patient ) ;
    • relating to ‖ some peculiar capacity in the thing, or some fitness in respect of time.
      • दशा , अवस्था , मामला , स्थिति , परिस्थिति , हाल
      • अवसर , मौका , अनुकूल , लाभदायक , कांड , अपवाद
    • Noun functioning as participants to verbs , whether
      • Its semantic role is that of EXPERIENCER ( भोक्ता )
        • affective experience , coughing, sneezing, feeling hot/cold, trembling, experiencing sensory input (tactile, olfactory, visual, aural, gustatory), proprioceptive states, psychological/emotional states, reflex reactions such as cringing, yawning, ducking, screaming in fright
      • Its semantic role is that of an EVALUATOR , ब्राह्मण
        • मूल्यांकन कर्ता, मूल्य निर्धारक , न्यायाधीश
  • Some third thing,
    • by which the force of the Efficient is either ‖ increased or abated,
    • by which the
      • दर्शक , श्रोतागण , bystander , watcher , viewer , audience , passive , attender or attendant , accompany , along , friend
help assist serve relief
obstacle obstruct stop

Internal, such as are within the Effect as its chief constituent parts; ‖ out of which a thing is made, and of which it consists; or by which a thing is constitu∣ted in its being, and distinguished from all other things.

  • MATTER-ial, Stuff, Substance, Argument, Subject, Boot as fire-boot, &c.
  • FORM-al, Essence.
    • Whether acting as
      • food , nutrition , nutrients , minerals , eatable , drinkables
      • stimulus
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  • hi/configuration_roles.txt
  • 2024/07/16 17:33
  • brahmantra