

NAME, Style, Title, Titular, Compellation, Appellation, nominate, denominate, Sirname, Inscription, Nomenclator, anonymous, call, Nown, Term.
PERSON, Age, Party, No-body, Wight.
SUBSTANCE, subsist.
QUANTITY, Much, Deale, Mathematick.
QVALITY, Disposition, Endowment, indue, parts, qualification, manner, con∣dition, estate.
The Agent; serving to Excite IMPULSIVE, Incentive, Motive, Reason, Ground, Concitation, Instiga∣tion, Inducement, impell, stimulate, stir up, prick forward, spur on, rouse, quicken, irritate▪ provoke, excite, egging, incite, Instinct, Conside∣ration, put on, set at or on, move, urge, draw in.
The Agent; serving to restrain it. COHIBITIVE, restrain, check, curb, with-hold, keep short or back, in∣hibit, repress, hold in, bridling, stint, coerce, confine, limit, no ho, stay, staunch, moderate, master, controle.
EXEMPLAR, Example, Instance, Idea, Precedent, Cause.
TYPE, Pattern, Platform, Model, Last, Mold, Prototype, Antitype, Extract, Original, Copy, Counterpart, Draught, Sampler, Proof, Duplicate, exem∣plifie, prefigure.
CONDITION, Proviso▪ Salvo, in case, Term, Case, State, liking, Habit, Qua∣lification.
OCCASION-al, Exigence, Emergence, Advantage, Opportunity, draw, provoke, scandal.
ADJUVANT, Help, Aid, Assistance, Succour, Relief, Support, Advantage, auxiliary, subsidiary, avail, conduce, promote, farther, stand in stead, supply, accommodate, serve, Co-adjutor, abet, take ones part, stand by, a stay to one, forward, minister, relief, back one.
IMPEDIENT, hinder, Obstacle, Remora, Clog, Bar, debar, obstruct, cum∣ber, Rub, Check, Dam, Luggage, Lumber, Baggage, Prejudice, Disadvantage, foreslow, lett, stop, Disservice, stay, stand in the way, trigg, keep back, re∣strain, with-hold, interfere.
END, Aim, Mark, Goal, Drift, Intent, Effect, Purpose, Design, Scope, sake, Reach, Reason, final, tend.
MEANS, Way▪ Shift, Expedient, accommodate.
MATTER-ial, Stuff, Substance, Argument, Subject, Boot as fire-boot, &c.
FORM-al, Essence.
SUBJECT, liable, obnoxious, exposed, matter, Text, Theme, under∣goe, capable.
ADIVNCT, Epithete, inherent.
OBJECT, mark, scope, butt, treat, handle, meddle with, have to do with.
CIRCUMSTANCE, Rite, Ceremony.
SOLEMNITY, Grandeur, state, Pomp, Port, celebrate, solemnize, Rite.
STATE, Estate, Condition, Case, Iuncture, Liking, manner, pass, pickle, plight, point, in good repair
SIGN, Badge, Token, Mark, Note, Symptome, Symbol, Index, Indica∣tion, Cue, Print, Scarr, Track, Signature, signifie, Beacon, becken, Boad, foretoken, presage, Prodigie, portentous, ominous, auspicious.
ROOM, as Successor, Caliph, supply, place.
STEAD, as substitute, subdititious, serve for, succedaneous, De∣puty, Surrogate, Vicar, Delegate, Vice-gerent, Attourney, Broaker, Factor, in lieu, Lievtenant, Proctor, Proxy.
TURN, Course, alternate, second, bout.
RECIPROCATION, mutual, interchangeable, intercourse, correspond.
DEGREE, gradual▪ a spice, a strein, gradation, leasurely, by little and little.
IMPETUS, Fit, Paroxysm, brunt, crash, effort, pang.
COGNATION, Affinity, Nearness
OPPOSITION, Disagreableness, contrary, counter, repugnant, with∣stand, against, cross, thwart, other side, adverse, Antagonist, An∣tithesis, confront, impugn, oppugn.
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