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II. That which any way contributes to the producing of an effect,* is styled कारण , वजह , आधार , सिद्धांत , उत्पादन , गठित , प्रभावित , उठाना , डालना

That which proceeds from, or depends upon the Cause, is styled प्रभाव , फल , फलित , सफल , उत्पाद , उपज , गुणनफल ,

Causes are commonly distributed into

By which things are done;whether

More immediate and absolute

More immediate and absolute; either ‖ more principal, of which the first Acti∣on is, or less principal, and subservient to the chief Agent.

  • कुशल, लेखक, निर्माता, प्रभावकारिता, प्रभावोत्पादक, ऊर्जा, सदाचार, वैधता, बल, शक्ति, संचालन, प्रभाव, फ्रेम, गठन, जन्म, प्रभाव, करना, बनाना, कारण, कार्य, प्रस्तुत करना, बनाना, पास करना ।
  • उपकरण , औज़ार,
more remote
  • The Agent; serving either to
    • उत्तेजित करना , or अधीन करना it.
      • IMPULSIVE, Incentive, Motive, Reason, Ground, Concitation, Instiga∣tion, Inducement, impell, stimulate, stir up, prick forward, spur on, rouse, quicken, irritate▪ provoke, excite, egging, incite, Instinct, Conside∣ration, put on, set at or on, move, urge, draw in.
      • COHIBITIVE, restrain, check, curb, with-hold, keep short or back, in∣hibit, repress, hold in, bridling, stint, coerce, confine, limit, no ho, stay, staunch, moderate, master, controle.
  • Direct and regulate its Action; either ‖ by that Idea which the Agent hath in his mind of some like case, or by some Pattern before his eyes.
    • EXEMPLAR, Example, Instance, Idea, Precedent, Cause.
    • TYPE, Pattern, Platform, Model, Last, Mold, Prototype, Antitype, Extract, Original, Copy, Counterpart, Draught, Sampler, Proof, Duplicate, exem∣plifie, prefigure.
  • धैर्यव्यक्ति ; relating to ‖ some peculiar capacity in the thing, or some fitness in respect of time.
    • CONDITION, Proviso▪ Salvo, in case, Term, Case, State, liking, Habit, Qua∣lification.
    • OCCASION-al, Exigence, Emergence, Advantage, Opportunity, draw, provoke, scandal.
  • कोइ तीसरा वस्तु , जिसके कारण शक्ति या तो बढ़ती हैं या रुक जाती हैं ,
    • ADJUVANT, Help, Aid, Assistance, Succour, Relief, Support, Advantage, auxiliary, subsidiary, avail, conduce, promote, farther, stand in stead, supply, accommodate, serve, Co-adjutor, abet, take ones part, stand by, a stay to one, forward, minister, relief, back one.
    • IMPEDIENT, hinder, Obstacle, Remora, Clog, Bar, debar, obstruct, cum∣ber, Rub, Check, Dam, Luggage, Lumber, Baggage, Prejudice, Disadvantage, foreslow, lett, stop, Disservice, stay, stand in the way, trigg, keep back, re∣strain, with-hold, interfere.

जिसके लिए वह वस्तु हैं :

  • For whose sake a thing is: to which may be annexed the general name of such things as have any tendency to the promoting of it.
  • END, Aim, Mark, Goal, Drift, Intent, Effect, Purpose, Design, Scope, sake, Reach, Reason, final, tend.
  • MEANS, Way▪ Shift, Expedient, accommodate.

Internal, such as are within the Effect as its chief constituent parts; ‖ out of which a thing is made, and of which it consists; or by which a thing is constitu∣ted in its being, and distinguished from all other things.

  • MATTER-ial, Stuff, Substance, Argument, Subject, Boot as fire-boot, &c.
  • FORM-al, Essence.
  • कारण , कारक
  • त्र ( instrument )
  • कर्ता
    • प्रेरक कर्ता
    • रोधक कर्ता
  • भर्ता ( patient ) की क्षमता
    • भर्ता स्थिति
    • भर्ता अवसर
  • हर्ता
    • सहायक हर्ता ( helper )
    • बाधक
  • धर्ता
  • कारण
  • करन
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  • hi/cause.txt
  • 2023/06/15 06:04
  • brahmantra