
basal ganglia

    • Situation
      • lateral to thalamus
    • Parts
      • divided by a band of nerve fibers internal capsule in to
        • Caudate nucleus ( पुच्छ ज्ञान्ड (neostriatum / striatum)
        • Lentiform nucleus ( चंद्र )
          • dark lateral part
            • putamen ( neostriatum / striatum)
          • medial paler part
            • globus pallidus ( also called paleostriatum / pallidum )
        • Anteroinferior ends of these nuclei
          • remain connected by a few bands of grey matter
            • across anterior limb of internal capsule
          • these bands give it a striated appearance
            • corpus striatum
    • Detailed Parts
      • Caudate nucleus
        • shape
          • comma shaped mass of grey matter
            • Round anterior part in front of interventricular foramen is called
              • head
                • large and rounded
                • forms floor and lateral wall of anterior horn of lateral ventricle
                • bands of grey matter connect it to putamen
                  • across anterior limb of internal capsule
            • middle part
              • head tapers in to body
                • long and narrow
                • forms floor of central part of lateral ventricle
                • separated from thalamus by
                  • stria terminalis and thalamostriate vein
            • posterior
                • merges at its anterior extremity with almond shaped mas of grey matter
                • long and slender
                • forms roof of inferior horn of lateral ventricle
        • situation and extent
          • surrounds thalamus
          • itself is surrounded by lateral ventricle
      • Lentiform nucleus
        • shape
          • lens shaped ( biconvex) mass of grey matter
        • situation
          • beneath insula
          • forming lateral boundary of internal capsule
        • 3 surfaces
          • lateral surface
            • convex
            • related to thin sheet of white matter
              • external capsule
            • grooved by
              • lateral striate arteries ( central branches of middle cerebral artery)
          • medial surface
            • more convex
            • related to internal capsule ( limbs and genu )
          • inferior surface
            • related to sub lentiform part of internal capsule
            • lies close to anterior perforated substance
        • parts
          • a vertical plate of white matter ( external medullary lamina ) divides it in to
            • putamen
            • globus pallidus
              • smaller medial part
              • lighter in colour
              • consists large motor cells
              • also called pallidum
                • further subdivided by internal medullary lamina in to
                  • outer part or externa
                  • inner part or interna
        • Connections of corpus striatum
          • Afferent connections
            • Corticostriate fibers
            • Thalamostriate fibers
            • Nigrostriate Fibers
          • Efferent connections
            • Globus pallidus is the main efferent component
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  • hi/basal_ganglia.txt
  • 2023/06/23 13:00
  • brahmantra