
  • अपुण्य (apuNya) = vice
  • अपुनरावृत्तिं (apunaraavRittiM) = to liberation
  • अपुष्प (apushhpa) = one without flowers
  • अपृथिव्योः (apRithivyoH) = to the earth
  • अपेक्ष् (apekSh.h) = to expect
  • अपेक्षा (apekShaa) = (f) expectation, hope
  • अपैशुनं (apaishunaM) = aversion to fault-finding
  • अपोहनं (apohanaM) = forgetfulness
  • अप्ययौ (apyayau) = disappearance
  • अवरुद्धवेग (avaruddhavega) = retardation
  • अवरूणद्धि (avaruuNaddhi) = to obstruct
  • अवरोहति (avarohati) = to descend
  • अवलिप्त (avalipta) = proud, haughty
  • अवलेहः (avalehaH) = (m) pickle
  • अवशः (avashaH) = helplessly
  • अवशिष्यते (avashishhyate) = remains
  • अवशोषण (avashoshhaNa) = absorption
  • अवष्टभ्य (avashhTabhya) = entering into
  • अवसं (avasaM) = automatically
  • अवसन् (avasan.h) = III pl. imperfect of vas, to live
  • अवसन्नाः (avasannaaH) = inadequate
  • अवसरः (avasaraH) = (m) opportunity, chance
  • अवसर्पति (avasarpati) = to slide (as from a waterslide)
  • अवसादयेत् (avasaadayet.h) = put into degradation
  • अवस्था (avasthaa) = a state of the mind
  • अवस्थातुं (avasthaatuM) = to stay
  • अवस्थात्रयः (avasthaatrayaH) = three states of bodily consciousness (awake, sleep, dream)
  • अवस्थितं (avasthitaM) = situated
  • अवस्थितः (avasthitaH) = situated
  • अवस्थिताः (avasthitaaH) = situated
  • अवस्थितान् (avasthitaan.h) = arrayed on the battlefield
  • अवहासार्थं (avahaasaarthaM) = for joking
  • अवज्ञा (avaGYaa) = contempt
  • अवज्ञातं (avaGYaataM) = without proper attention
  • अवाची (avaachii) = (f) south
  • अवाच्य (avaachya) = unkind
  • अवाप्तव्यं (avaaptavyaM) = to be gained
  • अवाप्तुं (avaaptuM) = to achieve
  • अवाप्नोति (avaapnoti) = gets
  • अवाप्य (avaapya) = achieving
  • अवाप्यते (avaapyate) = is achieved
  • अवाप्स्यथ (avaapsyatha) = you will achieve
  • अवाप्स्यसि (avaapsyasi) = will gain
  • अविकल्पेन (avikalpena) = without division
  • अविकार्यः (avikaaryaH) = unchangeable
  • अविचारी (avichaarii) = adj. thoughtless
  • अविदित (avidita) = without knowledge, unknowingly
  • अविदुशः (avidushaH) = of one who does not know
  • अविद्या (avidyaa) = metaphysical ignorance
  • अविद्वांसः (avidvaa.nsaH) = the ignorant
  • अविधिपूर्वकं (avidhipuurvakaM) = in a wrong way
  • अविनश्यन्तं (avinashyantaM) = not destroyed
  • अविनाश (avinaasha) = undestructible, name of Vishnu
  • अविनाशि (avinaashi) = imperishable
  • अविनाशिनं (avinaashinaM) = indestructible
  • अविपश्चितः (avipashchitaH) = men with a poor fund of knowledge
  • अविभक्तं (avibhaktaM) = without division
  • अविरति (avirati) = sensuality
  • अविरोध (avirodha) = no opposition
  • अविज्ञेयं (aviGYeyaM) = unknowable
  • अवेक्षे (avekShe) = let me see
  • अवेक्ष्य (avekShya) = considering
  • अवैध (avaidha) = (adj) illegal
  • अवोत्तरात्तात् (avottaraattaat.h) = protect me from the northern direction
  • अव्यक्त (avyakta) = nonmanifested
  • अव्यक्तं (avyaktaM) = nonmanifested
  • अव्यक्तः (avyaktaH) = invisible
  • अव्यक्तमूर्तिना (avyaktamuurtinaa) = by the unmanifested form
  • अव्यक्ता (avyaktaa) = toward the unmanifested
  • अव्यक्तात् (avyaktaat.h) = to the unmanifest
  • अव्यक्तादीनि (avyaktaadiini) = in the beginning unmanifested
  • अव्यभिचारिणी (avyabhichaariNii) = without any break
  • अव्यभिचारिण्या (avyabhichaariNyaa) = without any break
  • अव्यभिचारेण (avyabhichaareNa) = without fail
  • अव्यय (avyaya) = without deterioration
  • अव्ययं (avyayaM) = immutable
  • अव्ययः (avyayaH) = inexhaustible
  • अव्ययवर्गः (avyayavargaH) = the class of indeclinable words
  • अव्ययस्य (avyayasya) = of the imperishable
  • अव्ययीभाव (avyayiibhaava) = indeclinable affixes
  • अव्यवसायिनां (avyavasaayinaaM) = of those who are not in KRishhNa consciousness
  • अव्याकृता (avyaakRitaa) = not expressed
  • अव्याहताज्ञः (avyaahataaGYaH) = avyAhata+agyaH, not feeling the hit?
  • अनन्त (ananta) = infinite, a name of Vishnu
  • अनन्तं (anantaM) = unlimited
  • अनन्तः (anantaH) = Ananta
  • अनन्तरं (anantaraM) = after
  • अनन्तरूप (anantaruupa) = O unlimited form
  • अनन्तरूपं (anantaruupaM) = unlimited form
  • अनन्तविजयं (anantavijayaM) = the conch named Ananta-vijaya
  • अनन्तवीर्या (anantaviiryaa) = unlimited potency
  • अनन्ताः (anantaaH) = unlimited
  • अनन्तासन (anantaasana) = Ananta's posture
  • अनन्यचेताः (ananyachetaaH) = without deviation of the mind
  • अनन्यभाक् (ananyabhaak.h) = without deviation
  • अनन्यमनसः (ananyamanasaH) = without deviation of the mind
  • अनन्यया (ananyayaa) = unalloyed, undeviating
  • अनन्ययोगेन (ananyayogena) = by unalloyed devotional service
  • अनन्याः (ananyaaH) = having no other object
  • अनन्येन (ananyena) = without division
  • अनपेक्षः (anapekShaH) = neutral
  • अनपेक्ष्य (anapekShya) = without considering the consequences
  • अनभिश्वङ्गः (anabhishva.ngaH) = being without association
  • अनभिसन्धाय (anabhisandhaaya) = without desiring
  • अनभिस्नेहः (anabhisnehaH) = without affection
  • अनभिज्ञ (anabhiGYa) = ignorant of, unacquainted with
  • अनयोः (anayoH) = of them
  • अनर्थं (anarthaM) = purposeless/in vain/danger-productive
  • अनल (anala) = fire
  • अनलः (analaH) = fire
  • अनलेन (analena) = by the fire
  • अनवलोकयान् (anavalokayaan.h) = not looking
  • अनवाप्तं (anavaaptaM) = wanted
  • अनश्नतः (anashnataH) = abstaining from eating
  • अनश्नन् (anashnan.h) = without eating (having fasted)
  • अनसुयवे (anasuyave) = to the nonenvious
  • अनसूयः (anasuuyaH) = not envious
  • अनसूयन्तः (anasuuyantaH) = without envy
  • अनहंवादि (anaha.nvaadi) = without false ego
  • अनहङ्कारः (anaha.nkaaraH) = being without false egoism
  • अनात्मनः (anaatmanaH) = of one who has failed to control the mind
  • अनादर (anaadara) = lack of respect
  • अनादि (anaadi) = without beginning
  • अनादिं (anaadiM) = without beginning
  • अनादित्व (anaaditva) = non-beginning
  • अनादित्वात् (anaaditvaat.h) = due to eternity
  • अनानसफलम् (anaanasaphalam.h) = (n) pineapple
  • अनामयं (anaamayaM) = without miseries
  • अनारम्भात् (anaarambhaat.h) = by nonperformance
  • अनार्य (anaarya) = persons who do not know the value of life
  • अनावृत्तिं (anaavRittiM) = no return
  • अनाशिनः (anaashinaH) = never to be destroyed
  • अनाश्रितः (anaashritaH) = without taking shelter
  • अनाहत (anaahata) = unbeaten
  • अनिकेतः (aniketaH) = having no residence
  • अनिच्छन् (anichchhan.h) = without desiring
  • अनित्य (anitya) = uncertain/temporary/ephemeral/transient
  • अनित्यं (anityaM) = temporary
  • अनित्यः (anityaH) = nonpermanent
  • अनियमित (aniyamita) = irregular
  • अनिर्देश्यं (anirdeshyaM) = indefinite
  • अनिर्विण्णचेतस (anirviNNachetasa) = without deviation
  • अनिलः (anilaH) = wind or air
  • अनिलचुल्लि (anilachulli) = (f) gas (LPG)
  • अनिवार्य (anivaarya) = (adj) compulsary
  • अनिश्चयत् (anishchayat.h) = due to non-determination (having not decided)
  • अनिष्ट (anishhTa) = and undesirable
  • अनिष्टं (anishhTaM) = leading to hell
  • अनीश्वरं (aniishvaraM) = with no controller
  • अन्वय (anvaya) = Family
  • अन्वशोचः (anvashochaH) = you are lamenting
  • अन्विच्छ (anvichchha) = try for
  • अन्वित (anvita) = (p.p) Followed or attended by, in company with, joined by; having ossessed of; overpowerd by, connected grammatically;
  • अन्विताः (anvitaaH) = absorbed
  • अन्वेषणम् (anveshhaNam.h) = (n) search, exploration
  • non-absorbable — अनवशोषणीय, अनवशोष्य
  • non-acid fast — अम्ल दुस्सह
  • non-actinic — 1- अविकिरणशील 2- अक्रियाशील
  • nona peptide amide — नवपेप्टाइड ऐमाइड
  • non-buffer — अनुभयरोधी, बफरक्रियाहीन
  • non-caustic — अक्षारक
  • non-chromogens — अवर्णकजन
  • non-competitive — अस्पर्धी
  • non-corrosive — असंक्षारक
  • non destearinated — अस्टियरिनहृत
  • non-disjunction — अवियोजन
  • non-dominance — अप्रभाविता
  • non-dominant — अप्रभावी
  • non-haemolytic — रक्त असंलायी
  • non-homologus — असमजात
  • noninfectious — असंक्रामक
  • non-ionic — अन-आयनी
  • noninfective — असंक्रामी
  • non-inflammable — अज्वलनशील
  • non-intoxicating — अमादक
  • nonlipid — अलाइपिडी
  • non-medullated — अमायलिनित
  • non-motile — गतिहीन
  • non-nitrogenous — अनाइट्रोजनी
  • non-opposable — अनभिमुखचारी
  • nonpapillary — अनंकुरक
  • non-pathogenic — अविकारी
  • nonprotein — अप्रोटीन
  • non-retractile — 1- अप्रत्याकृष्य 2- अप्रत्याकर्षी
  • nonsecretor — अस्रावी, अस्रावक
  • non-selective — अचयनात्मक
  • non-sporing — बीजाणु अनुत्पादक
  • non-sterile — अनिर्जीवाणुक
  • non-suppurative — अपूय
  • nontaster — अस्वादक
  • nontrachomatous — ट्रेकोमारहित, रोहेरहित, कुकरे रहित
  • nontropical — अनुष्णकंटिबंधी
  • nonunion of fracture — अस्थिभंग असंयोग
  • non-vegetarian — मांसाहारी, सामिष भोजी
  • noose — पाश
  • nor-adrenaline — नॉर एड्रेनलिन
  • nor-adrenalism — नॉर एड्रीनलीनता
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  • hi/an.txt
  • 2024/03/25 08:20
  • brahmantra