
This translation is older than the original page and might be outdated. See what has changed.
  • Mode by which the Essential understanding of essence takes place
    • real modes
      • brain , neural
      • coding , programming , artificial intelligence
    • representative modes
      • Mind , mental , psychological , cognitive
      • spiritual , metaphysical , religious , brahman , Fictional , mythological , magical
  • Vnderstanding.
  • Fancy or Appetite; the Actions of which are styled Affections or Passions, and may be distinguished into such as are either more
  • The Vnderstanding; in regard of the ‖ congruity, or incongruity of things to our ap∣prehensions of them.
    • TRUTH , true, Verity, verifie, very, Right, Sooth, irrefragably, likely, probable.
    • FALSHOOD , false-ifie, Error, erroneous, untrue.

| true | |

  • The Will; as to the ‖ agreement, or disagreement of things with that Faculty, so as to be rendred desirable or avoidable.
    • GOODNESS, Weal, Welfare, right, regular, well, rectifie, better, best.
    • EVILNESS , ill, bad, naught, wrong, amiss, shrewd, scurvy, lewd, horrid, horrible, corrupt, Pravity, deprave, Sin, Fault, Trespass, Transgress-ion, Peccadillo, worse.
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  • hi/ambiguous_understanding.txt
  • 2024/04/05 12:20
  • brahmantra