

Transcendental; concerned with the origins of dimension , namely, those most universal and comprehensive Terms which fall under Discourse; relating to

  • The first and most general Conception, of which the Vnderstanding takes notice, as most known.
    • AMBIGUOUS DIMENSIONS. I. which are defined by their occurrence in different states by references and measures, which are definite or indefinite.Dimensions are of a four-fold difference.
      • be हूँ , हैं , भव्य , भू , भवति , अस्मि , अस्तित्व , सत्त्व , रहना , अस्ति , ममः , विद्यमान , विराजमान
        • प्रकृतिस्थ , साधारण , सामान्य , यदाकदा , Normal , entropy , casual
              • 0D , The least of Magnitudes, so styled by those who write de Indivisibilibus, as being in their account infinitely little.
              • 1D , The second kind, described by the flux of a point, or composed of infi∣nite such points, is styled.
              • 2D , The third, described by the draught of a line, or composed of infinite such lines.
              • 3D , The fourth, described by the lifting up a Superficies, or composed of infi∣nite Superficies.
              • 4D , Ambiguous Time the fifth kind , described by the duration of an object's existence called Time
          • REAL DIMENSIONS , Sensible and real objects known to exist in real space , forms an entity of reality
        • दुर्घटना , संयोग , इत्तेफाक
          • रोग, व्याधि , बीमारी , मरीज , अस्वस्थ
          • अव्यवस्था, अशांति harmful state
          • प्रदूषण
  • Being and Time
    • be , am , is
    • was , were
    • will be
  • being and motion
    • be
    • became
    • will become
Present am are
Past was were
Future will
Past been became
Present be being
Future will be will become
  • They are - ते सन्ति (te santi)
  • They were - ते अभवन् (te abhavan)
  • They will be - ते भविष्यन्ति (te bhaviṣyanti)
  • He is - सः अस्ति (saḥ asti)
  • He was - सः अभवत् (saḥ abhavat)
  • He will be - सः भविष्यति (saḥ bhaviṣyati)
  • She is - सा अस्ति (sā asti)
  • She was - सा अभवत् (sā abhavat)
  • She will be - सा भविष्यति (sā bhaviṣyati)
  • It is - तत् अस्ति (tat asti)
  • It was - तत् अभवत् (tat abhavat)
  • It will be - तत् भविष्यति (tat bhaviṣyati)
  • They are: ते सन्ति (te santi)
  • They became: अभवन् (abhavan)
  • They will become: भविष्यन्ति (bhaviṣyanti)
  • He is: सः अस्ति (saḥ asti)
  • He became: अभवत् (abhavat)
  • He will become: भविष्यति (bhaviṣyati)
  • She is: सा अस्ति (sā asti)
  • She became: अभवत् (abhavat)
  • She will become: भविष्यति (bhaviṣyati
3D 3D 2D 1D
काट , कीट , कपाट , पूटी , फूट , छूट house bowl , hemisphere semicircle arc
इकठ्ठा , गांठ , कंठ , पीठ , कोष्ठ tunnel Sphere circle , plane dot
घड़ा , अंडा , बड़ा , stick ,pole , line , direction irregular hemisphere string line
गड्ढा , ढूंढना maze , road shell , wrap roll angle
  • cup
  • bag
    • sacs
    • bottle
  • string or rope
  • knot
  • Dimensional Infinites
    • infinitely small
    • infinitely large
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  • hi/ambiguous_dimensions.txt
  • 2024/04/09 10:35
  • brahmantra