
  • अभि+तड् (abhi+taD.h) = to strike
  • अभिकथनं (abhikathanaM) = (n) allegation
  • अभिक्रम (abhikrama) = in endeavouring
  • अभिचार (abhichaara) = black magic
  • अभिजनवान् (abhijanavaan.h) = surrounded by aristocratic relatives
  • अभिजातः (abhijaataH) = born of
  • अभिजातस्य (abhijaatasya) = of one who is born of
  • अभिजानन्ति (abhijaananti) = they know
  • अभिजानाति (abhijaanaati) = does know
  • अभिजायते (abhijaayate) = becomes manifest
  • अभिजित (abhijita) = A nakshatra between uttaraashhDhaa and shravaNa mainly centred on the star Vega. For some reason it is not usually included in the 27 nakshatras although it would make 28 if it was. adhipatii - Lord
  • अभिजिन्मुहूर्त (abhijin.hmuhuurta) = the most auspicious moment
  • अभितः (abhitaH) = everywhere
  • अभिद्रोहः (abhidrohaH) = (m) insurgency
  • अभिधानं (abhidhaanaM) = (n) designation
  • अभिधास्यति (abhidhaasyati) = explains
  • अभिधीयते (abhidhiiyate) = is called
  • अभिनन्दती (abhinandatii) = praises
  • अभिनय (abhinaya) = acting
  • अभिनिवेश (abhinivesha) = possessiveness
  • अभिन्यासः (abhinyaasaH) = (m) layout
  • अभिपुष्टिः (abhipushhTiH) = (f) affirmation
  • अभिप्रवृत्तः (abhipravRittaH) = being fully engaged
  • अभिप्रायः (abhipraayaH) = (m) opinion
  • अभिभवति (abhibhavati) = transforms
  • अभिभवात् (abhibhavaat.h) = having become predominant
  • अभिभूय (abhibhuuya) = surpassing
  • अभिमनः (abhimanaH) = conceit
  • अभिमान (abhimaana) = self-importance
  • अभिमुखाः (abhimukhaaH) = towards
  • अभियाचना (abhiyaachanaa) = (f) demand
  • अभियुक्तानां (abhiyuktaanaaM) = fixed in devotion
  • अभियोग (abhiyoga) = prosecution
  • अभियोगः (abhiyogaH) = (m) prosecution
  • अभिरतः (abhirataH) = following
  • अभिरक्षन्तु (abhirakShantu) = should give support
  • अभिरक्षितं (abhirakShitaM) = perfectly protected
  • अभिरक्षितम् (abhirakShitam.h) = who has been well protected
  • अभिरामस्त्रिलोकानां (abhiraamastrilokaanaaM) = the laudable rAma for all the three worlds
  • अभिविज्वलन्ति (abhivijvalanti) = and are blazing
  • अभिषिंचति (abhishhi.nchati) = performs' puuja', by pouring water etc. on the idol
  • अभिषेकं (abhishhekaM) = ablution
  • अभिसन्धाय (abhisandhaaya) = desiring
  • अभिहिता (abhihitaa) = described
  • अभीप्सित (abhiipsita) = desired
  • अभ्यधिकः (abhyadhikaH) = greater
  • अभ्यनुनादयन् (abhyanunaadayan.h) = resounding
  • अभ्यर्च्य (abhyarchya) = by worshiping
  • अभ्यसनं (abhyasanaM) = practice
  • अभ्यसूयकाः (abhyasuuyakaaH) = envious
  • अभ्यसूयति (abhyasuuyati) = is envious
  • अभ्यसूयन्तः (abhyasuuyantaH) = out of envy
  • अभ्यहन्यन्त (abhyahanyanta) = were simultaneously sounded
  • अभ्यारोपः (abhyaaropaH) = (m) indictment
  • अभ्याश (abhyaasha) = outskirts
  • अभ्यास (abhyaasa) = study
  • अभ्यासयोग (abhyaasayoga) = by practice
  • अभ्यासयोगेन (abhyaasayogena) = by the practice of devotional service
  • अभ्यासात् (abhyaasaat.h) = than practice
  • अभ्यासे (abhyaase) = in practice
  • अभ्यासेन (abhyaasena) = by practice
  • अभ्युत्थानं (abhyutthaanaM) = predominance
  • अभ्युदय (abhyudaya) = rise , prosperity
अभिमान pride
अभिकरण Agency
अभिकर्षण Pull
अभिक्रिया reaction
अभिक्षमता aptitude
अभिग्रहण accquisition
अभिज्ञान recognition
अभिज्ञान cognition
अभिनय करना  Act 
अभिनव innovative
अभिनेता actor
अभिप्रेरण Motivation
अभिबोध intuition
अभिभूत करना Triumph
अभिमत opinion
अभिमुख oriented
अभियान Campaign
अभियुक्त accused
अभियोग indictment
अभिराम Pleasure
अभिलाषा Desire
अभिवादन Greetings
अभिवृत्ति attitude
अभिवृद्धि growth
अभिशाप curse
अभिशोषण करना Cure
अभिषेक Coronation
अभिहत Bounce
अभीष्ट intended
अभ्यांतर interior
अभ्यागत visitor
अभ्यास Practice
अभ्युदय arise
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  • hi/ad.txt
  • 2024/03/25 08:22
  • brahmantra