

VI. That thing which is made up of several lesser things united toge∣ther is called by the name of WHOLE, Total, Integral, Intire, Summ,*All, Vtterly▪ Quite and clean, full, plenary.

Those lesser things, by the union of which another greater thing is made up, are stiled by the common name of PARTS. Particle, Parcel, partial, Divide, share, distribute, driblet, portion, piece, pittance.

The transcendental relations of whole and part are such as denote a respect to Quantity

  • Quality; of Goodness or Badness of such parts.
    • BEST PART, Quintessence, Cream, Flower, the heart, Top.
    • WORST PART, Refuse, Scumm, Dreggs, Raff, draft, dross, rubbish, tare, bran, chaff, recrement, trash, garbage, offal.
  • Time; either that which is first taken, whereby the goodness of the whole is to be measured, or that which is superadded after the whole.
    • SAY, taste, touch, scantling.
    • VANTAGE, surplus, overplus, to boot, over and above, over-weight, corollary, supplement, vails.
  • Place; specially in liquids, either that part which in separation doth rise to the top, or that which falls to the bottom.
    • SCUM, Sandever, Mother.
    • SEDIMENT, setling, caput mort, grounds, lees, dregs, feculent, rack, defecate.
  • Figure; specially in solids; whether
    • Roundish; in greater parts, or in lesser parts.
      • LUMP, Bole, Morsel, Bit, Cantle, Luncheon, Gobbet, Mammock, Stub, stump, grumous, clotted, clod, turfe, sod.
      • POWDER, Mote, Dust, Corn, Grain, Crum, Grate, moulder.
    • Oblong; made ‖ either by Cutting, or by Breaking,
      • CHIP, Lamin, Scale, Flake, Flaw, Flitter, shive, shiver, splinter.
      • FRAGMENT, Piece, Scrap, Sheard, tatter, Flitter, rag, shread, snip, slive, slice, collop, cut.

A Part put to another, or the whole as being made up of such parts.

  • ADDITUM, item, put to, insert, eke out.
  • SVMM, lay or couch together, cast up, count, draw to a head, come to, amount, result, total, in the whole.

A Part taken out from others, or the whole remaining after such taking out.

  • ABLATUM, abate, defalk, retrench, deduct, subduct, substract, take away.
  • RESIDVE, overplus, surplussage, arrear, remainer, remnant, left be∣hind, the other, the rest, relicks, orts, scraps, reversions, gleaning, offal, odd-ends, stubs, stumps, stubble.

A Part repeated a certain number of times, so as to equal the whole, or the whole considered as it is so made up.

  • PRODVCT, rectangle.

A Part taken out such a certain number of times as leaves nothing of the whole, or that number of times which is the correspondent part.

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  • en/whole_form.txt
  • 2024/07/15 06:44
  • brahmantra