• Scrotal part
  • Funicular part
  • Inguinal part
  • Pelvic part
  • Ampulla of ductus deferens
    • Diverticula of ampulla
  • Adventitia
  • Muscular layer; muscular coat
  • Mucosa; mucous membrane
  • synonyms
    • ductus deferens , vas deferens , deferent duct
  • definition
    • thickwalled muscular tube transmits spermatozoa from epididymis to ejaculatory duct
  • length
    • 45cm
  • arterial supply
  • nerve supply
  • histology
  • location
    • inside scrotum
      • begins as
        • continuation of tail of epididymis
          • posterior border of testis
            • tortuous
            • gradually straighten
            • ascends medial to epididymis
    • inside inguinal canal
      • spermatic cord
        • lies vertically in posterior part
          • runs upwards to superficial inguinal ring
    • in greater pelvis
      • at deep inguinal ring
        • leaves spermatic cord
          • hooks round lateral side of inferior epigastric artery
            • passes backwards and medially
            • across external iliac vessels
            • enters in
    • in lesser pelvis


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  • en/vas_deferens.txt
  • 2023/06/15 11:10
  • brahmantra