

  • Synonym
  • Colpos , vagina
  • Definition
  • Vagina is a fibromuscular canal , forming the female copulatory organ
  • Extent and situation
  • Erect posture
  • Directed upward and backward
  • Long axis of uterus and cervix
  • 90 degree with long axis of vagina
  • Size and shape
  • Anterior wall
  • 8 cm long
  • Posterior wall
  • 10 cm long
  • Diameter
  • Upper end
  • Twice the size 5 cm
  • Lumen is circular due to protrusion of cervix
  • Lower end
  • 2.5 cm
  • Distensible for delivery
  • Virgin
  • Partially closed by a thin annular fold
  • Mucous membrane called hymen
  • Married
  • Rounded elevations around vaginal orifice
  • Caruncular hymenales
  • Fornices
  • Upper end or vaginal vault
  • Circular groove
  • Becomes deeper
  • Divided in to 4 fornices
  • Anterior fornix
  • Infront of cervix and shallow
  • Posterior fornix
  • Lies behind cervix and is deep
  • Lateral fornix
  • One on each side
  • Relations
  • Anterior wall
  • Upper half is related to base of shoulder
  • Lower half to urethra
  • Posterior wall
  • Upper one fourth is separated from rectum by rectouterine pouch
  • Middle two fourths are separated from rectum by loose connective tissue
  • Lower 1/4th is separated from Amal canal by perineal body and muscles attached to it
  • Lateral walls
  • On each side
  • Upper 1/3 re related to transverse cervical ligament of pelvic fascia in which are embedded a network of vaginal veins
  • Middle 1/3 related to pubococcygeus of levator Ani
  • Lower 1/3 pierces perineal membrane
  • Below which it is related to bulb of vestibule
  • Bulbospobgiosus and ducto of Greater vestibular gland of bartholin
  • Arterial supply
  • Vaginal branch
  • From internal iliac artery
  • Cervicovaginal branch
  • Upper part of vagina
  • From uterine artery
  • Lower part
  • Middle rectal
  • Internal pudendal artery
  • Anastomosis
  • Vaginal azygous arteries
  • Nerve supply
  • Upper 2/3 rd
  • Pain insensitive
  • By sympathetic L1,l2
  • By parasympathetic S2 to S4
  • Lower 1/3 rd
  • Pain sensitive
  • Pudendal nerve.
  • Inferior rectal nerve
  • Posterior labial branches of perineal nerve
  • Histology
  • Mucous membrane
  • Nonkerstinised stratified squamous epithelium
  • Lamina propria
  • Loose connective tissue
  • Muscle coat
  • Outer longitudinal
  • Inner circular
  • Fibrous coat
  • Usual connective tissue
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  • en/vagina.txt
  • 2023/06/16 06:12
  • brahmantra