• features
    • muscular reservoir
      • Detrusor muscles
        • arranged in whorls and spirals
    • lies in anterior part of pelvic cavity
    • size
    • variable in size
      • empty state inside pelvic cavity
      • filled state
        • abdominal cavity
    • shape
      • tetrahedral
        • Apex of bladder
        • Body of bladder
        • Base or Fundus of bladder
        • Neck of bladder
      • 3 surfaces
        • superior
        • right
        • left inferolateral
      • 4 borders
        • 2 lateral
        • 1 anterior
        • 1 posterior
      • full bladder
        • ovoid in shape
        • Apex
        • neck
        • 2 surfaces
      • Apex
        • connected to umbilicus
          • median umbilical ligament
            • obliterated embryonic urachus
      • base
          • related to uterine cervix and vagina
          • upper part
            • Separated from rectum by
              • rectovesical pouch
      • Neck
        • males
        • females
      • superior surface
        • males
          • covered by peritoneum
          • contact with sigmoid colon
          • coils of terminal ileum
        • females
          • Greater part covered by peritoneum
          • peritoneum from superior surface reflected
            • to isthmus of uterus
            • to form vesicouterine pouch
      • inferolateral surface
        • males
          • related to pubis , puboprostatic ligament
          • retropubic fat , levator Ani
          • obturator internus
        • females
          • pubovesical ligaments instead of puboprostatic
    • ligaments of bladder
      • true ligaments
        • lateral true ligament
        • lateral puboprostatic ligament
        • medial puboprostatic ligament
          • females pubovesical ligament
        • median umbilical ligament
        • posterior ligament of bladder
      • false ligaments
        • median umbilical fold
        • medial umbilical fold
        • lateral false ligament
        • posterior false ligament
      • small triangular area in lower part of base of bladder
        • smooth
          • Trigone of bladder
            • Apex directed downward and forward
            • base of trigone
              • Interureteric crest / ridge ( bar of Mercier )
                • due to continuation of inner longitudinal muscle coat of
                  • two ureters
            • Ureteric orifice
            • Internal urethral orifice
            • a slight elevation on trigone due to prostrate
              • Uvula of bladder or vuvula vesicae
    • Serosa; serous coat
    • Subserosa; subserous layer
    • Muscular layer; muscular coat
      • Trigonal muscles
        • Superficial trigone
        • Deep trigone
      • Detrusor
        • Unstratified part
        • Bladder neck part
        • External longitudinal layer
        • Circular layer
        • Internal longitudinal layer
      • Pubovesicalis
      • Rectovesicalis
      • Vesicoprostaticus
      • Vesicovaginalis
    • Submucosa
    • Mucosa; mucous membrane
      • 120 - 320 ml

urinary_bladder.jpg urinary_bladder_position.jpg uri-blad-apex.jpg urin-blad-median_umbil_ligament.jpg urin-blad-neck.jpg urin-bladd-base.jpg urin-bladder_organs.jpg urin_blad_relation.jpg urinarybladder-relations.jpg

When viewed under a microscope the bladder can be seen to have an inner lining (called epithelium), three layers of muscle fibres, and an outer adventitia.

The inner wall of the bladder is called urothelium, a type of transitional epithelium formed by three to six layers of cells; the cells may become more cuboidal or flatter depending on whether the bladder is empty or full. Additionally, these are lined with a mucous membrane consisting of a surface glycocalyx that protects the cells beneath it from urine. The epithelium lies on a thin basement membrane, and a lamina propria. The mucosal lining also offers a urothelial barrier against the passing of infections.

These layers are surrounded by three layers of muscle fibres arranged as an inner layer of fibres orientated longitudinally, a middle layer of circular fibres, and an outermost layer of longitudinal fibres; these form the detrusor muscle, which can be seen with the naked eye.

The outside of the bladder is protected by a serous membrane called adventitia.


Apex vesicae Apex of bladder
Corpus vesicae Body of bladder
Fundus vesicae Fundus of bladder
Cervix vesicae; collum vesicae Neck of bladder
Uvula vesicae Uvula of bladder
Lig. umbilicale medianum Median umbilical ligament
Tunica serosa Serosa; serous coat
Tela subserosa Subserosa; subserous layer
Tunica muscularis Muscular layer; muscular coat
Mm. trigoni vesicae Trigonal muscles
M. trigoni vesicae superficialis Superficial trigone
M. trigoni vesicae profundus Deep trigone
M. detrusor vesicae Detrusor
Pars nostratificata Unstratified part
Pars cervicis vesicae; pars colli vesicae Bladder neck part
Stratum externum longitudinale External longitudinal layer
Stratum circulare Circular layer
Stratum internum longitudinale Internal longitudinal layer
M. pubovesicalis Pubovesicalis
M. rectovesicalis Rectovesicalis
M. vesicoprostaticus Vesicoprostaticus
M. vesicovaginalis Vesicovaginalis
Tela submucosa Submucosa
Tunica mucosa Mucosa; mucous membrane
Trigonum vesicae Trigone of bladder
Plica interureterica Interureteric crest
Ostium ureteris Ureteric orifice
Ostium urethrae internum Internal urethral orifice
Urethra feminina Female urethra
Urethra masculina Male urethra
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  • 2024/08/30 11:53
  • brahmantra