

Cuticle, or upper skin, with little or no pain; being ‖ small collections of watery matter hindered from transpiring: to which may be ad∣joyned that which is subsequent upon the drying of this and such other putrid matter, causing a roughness upon the skin with little exulce∣ration.

  • PUSTULE, Wheal, Whelk, Pimple, Push, Sty.
  • SCAB.
  • Not poisonous: either ‖ of a bigger magnitude, and apt to pass from one part to another, of more difficult cure: or of a lesser magni∣tude, more frequent, and less dangerous.
    • KING'S EVIL, Scrophula, Struma.
    • BOIL, Blain, Sore, Whitlow, Ancome.
  • Poisonous and corroding; being either ‖ hard and unequal, disco∣louring the skin by paleness or blackness, with Veins about it re∣sembling the Leg of a Crab, and exceeding difficult in the Cure: or else a collection of thick putrid bloud violently hot, with fret∣ting and malignity.
    • CANCER, Wolf.
    • CARBUNCLE, Sore, Plaegue-sore.

Not discolouring the skin; whether of a

  • Bigger magnitude; either ‖soft: or hard.
    • WEN.
  • Lesser magnitude; being kinds of Plants rooted ‖ in the skin: or below it.
    • WART
    • CORN.

Discolouring the skin with redness, and occasioned by Cold.


Veins or Arteries immoderately distended.

  • VARIX.
  • Tendons.
    • GANGLION, Spavin.
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  • en/tumours.txt
  • 2023/05/10 11:34
  • brahmantra