

779 Ventriculus tertius Third ventricle
780 Foramen interventriculare Interventricular foramen
781 Organum subfornicale Subfornical organ
782 Taenia thalami Taenia thalami
783 Tela choroidea Choroid membrane
784 Plexus choroideus Choroid plexus
785 Stria medullaris thalami Stria medullaris thalami
786 Recessus suprapinealis Suprapineal recess
787 Commissura habenularum Habenular commissure
788 Recessus pinealis Pineal recess
789 Commissura posterior; commissura epithalamica Posterior commissure
790 Apertura aqueductus mesencephali; apertura aqueductus cerebri Opening of aqueduct of midbrain; opening of cerebral aqueduct
791 Recessus infundibuli; recessus infundibularis Infundibular recess
792 Recessus supraopticus Supra-optic recess
793 Lamina terminalis Lamina terminalis
794 Columna fornicis Column of fornix
795 Commissura anterior Anterior commissure
796 Sulcus hypothalamicus Hypothalamic sulcus
797 Adhesio interthalamica Interthalamic adhesion; massa intermedia
  • third ventricle
    • communications
      • through foramen of monro
        • communicates with lateral ventricle
        • bounded anterior by foramen of monro
        • posterioly by tubercle of thalamus
      • posteroinferiroly in median plane
        • communicates with 4 ventricle
        • through cerebral aqueduct
    • features
      • median cleft between two thalami
      • cavity is lined by ependyma
    • boundaries
      • anterior wall
        • lamina terminalis
        • anterior commisure
        • anterior columns of fornix
      • posterior wall
        • pineal body
        • posterior commisure
        • cerebral aqueduct
      • roof
        • body of fornix
        • ependyma linig the undersurface of tela choroidea of third ventricle
      • floor
        • optic chiasm
        • tuber cinerum
        • infundibulum (pitutary stalk)
        • mamillary bodies
        • tegmentum of midbrain
      • lateral wall
        • medial surface of thalamus
          • posterosuperior part
        • hypothalamus
          • anteroinferior part
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  • en/third_ventricle.txt
  • 2023/06/14 10:08
  • brahmantra