


  • The four Āśrama (stages) are:
    • Brahmacharya (student life)
      • from birth till 25 years of age
      • goes to school , gurukul
      • work to earn dakshina to give to guru
      • Entry ritual
        • Upanayana (initiation) , janau
        • Admission
      • leaving ritual
        • Samavartana or snana ( ceremonial bath) and guru dakshina is given
        • Graduation or convocation ceremony
    • Gṛhastha (householder)
      • from 25- 50 years of age
      • Entry ritual ( wedding ceremony )
      • Leaving ritual ( Divorce ceremony )
    • Vanaprastha (forest walker/forest dweller)
      • from 50 - 75 years of age
      • retired life
    • Sannyasa (renunciate)
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  • en/speech/book/humanities.txt
  • 2024/08/16 07:16
  • brahmantra