
II. ACTIONS of the UNDERSTANDING and Judgment SPECULA∣TIVE, Contemplation, Theory,* are such as do concern the various exercise of our Vnderstandings about the Truth and Falshood of things, with respect either to the

  • Preparative; in the first Objectization of a thing: or the reflexive Thought about it, together with what else one knows of that kind.
    • THINKING, Cogitation, bethink, deem, imagin, esteem, Conceit, Notion, Thought-ful, pensive, mind it, suggest, put in ones head,
    • MEDITATING, Study, considering, cast about in ones mind, muse, con∣template, Elucubration, think, fore think, premeditate, ponder, extempore.
  • Operative; in ‖ the comparing of things to find out what is Truth: or the Thought resulting from such comparison.
    • INQUISITION, Examination, Search, Scrutiny▪ exploration, investigate, Disquisition, seek, discuss, hunt, canvase, cast water, Quest, Inquest.
    • DISCOVERY, detect, find, perceive, lift out▪ pick out, Invention, excogi∣tate, Author, Inventor, tell, inkling, 'tis out.


Primary; in judging such discovery ‖ agreeable to Truth: or disagreeable.


More general.

  • ASSENT, Consent, accord, agree, concurr, allow, acknowledge, yield, suf∣frage, Voice, Vote, of the same mind, think good.
  • DISSENT, differ, disagree, of another mind, Discord.

More special; according to its arguments; as

  • Proceeding from Causes
    • Extrinsecal; Testimony ‖ sufficient: or insufficient.
      • BELIEVING, Credit, credible, Faith, Trust.
      • DISBELIEVING, Discredit, incredible, Distrust.
    • Intrinsecal in the thing it self; that it is ‖ conclusive: or not so conclu∣sive but that it may be otherwise.
      • KNOWING, Cognition, conscious, wist, witting, aware, privy, Intel∣ligence, learn, inform, acquaint, cognizance, notice, inkling pre∣science, omniscient.
      • DOVBTING, misdoubt, mistrust, distrust, suspence, hanging stagger∣ing, hesitate, pendulous, dubious, ambiguous, at a stand, stick at, Quandary, Scruple, Sceptic, uncertain, Apocryphal, 'tis a question.
  • Productive of these Effects in ‖ higher, or lower degrees.
    • CERTAINTY, Assurance, sure, evince, convince, demonstrate, evi∣dence, undoubted, out of doubt, without doubt, doubtless, infallible.
    • OPINION, Conceit, Iudgment, Sentiment, Mind, Tenet, think, suppose, surmise, ween, overween, unanimous, likely, probable, prejudice, appre∣hend, fancy, repute, deem, Verdict, Sentence, shoot ones bolt.


Secondary; judging of Truth found, as to the

  • Consequence of it, in respect of other things to be concluded from it, or to follow upon it; in Thesi: or in Hypothesi
    • REASONING, Discussing, Arguing, Ratiocination, Logic.
    • CONJECTURING, Guessing, surmise, divine, mind gives, conceit, Pre∣sumption, probable.
  • Importance: or frivolousness of it.
    • ESTEEMING, accounting, prizing, valuing, rating, regard, respect, re∣pute, count of, care for, think well of, set by, stand upon, credit, prefer.
    • CONTEMNING, despising, slighting, undervaluing, disregarding, set at nought, scorn, disdain, abjectness, despicable, vilifie, disesteem, neglect, set light by, make nothing of, I pass not for it, Nickname, pish.
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  • en/speculative_understanding.txt
  • 2023/05/22 12:39
  • brahmantra