PRESENT, at this time, now, immediately, instantly▪ current, ready.
PAST, expired, former, fore-going, ago, already, even now, hereto∣fore, gone, over, out, a-late, erewhile, long since.
FVTVRE, time to come, after-time, hereafter, presently, anon, by and by, shortly, straitway, ere long, henceforth, process of time, after a long while.
SIMULTANEOUS, of the same time, Synchronism▪ contemporary, compatible, consist, together, concomitant.
PRECEDING, antecedent, former, foregoing, previ∣ous, Priority, before, take place, get the start, Predeces∣sor, premise.
SVCCEEDING, latter, Posteriority, succedaneous, hinder, follow, go after, Successor.
NEWNESS, Renovation, innovate, renew, anew, Neoteric, Neo∣phyte, novel, Novice, Puny, modern, fresh, upstart, green, late, last, a little while ago.
OLDNESS, ancient, Antiquity, pristin, senior, stale, inveterate, of long standing, yore, obsolete, out of date, a long while ago.
SOONNESS, sudden, early, rath, betimes, forthwith, shortly, pre∣sently, eftsoon, quickly, in a trice, out of hand, imminent, immedi∣ate, incontinent, instant, ready, anticipate, accelerate, put on, rid way, in the turning of a hand, twinckling of an eye, timely, spee∣dily, in hast, after a little time.
LATENESS, tardy, last, adjourn, defer, delay, put off, out of date, di∣latory, procrastinate, prolong, prorogue, protract, respite, retard, after a long while, far in the day.
EPOCHA, Hegira.
PERMANENCY, lasting, abiding, continuing, durable, stay, remain, persevere, enduring, incessant, indelible, perennial, tedious, hold out, of standing.
TRANSITORINESS, fading, flitting, frail, glance, transient, temporary, short, for a spirt, for a little while, quickly gone.
FREQUENCY, often, ever and anon, thick, rife, common, recourse, resort.
SELDOMNESS, rare, scarce, strange, unusual, thin, desuetude.
PERPETUITY, continual, incessant, still, at all times, alwayes.
AT TIMES, temporary, by snatches, by fits, bout, ever and anon, now and then, respit, sometimes.
EVERNESS, Eternity, endless, for ever and ever, always.
PRESENCE, face to face, at hand, here, hand to hand, confront, rea∣dy, residence.
ABSENCE, Mich, away, non-residence.
CONTIGUITY, touch, contact, hit, joyn, close, grazing.
DISTANCE, off, keep off, bear off, stave off, way off, set farther, stand away.
NEARNESS, Vicinity, Propinquity, Proximity, nigh, next close, ad∣jacent, adjoyn, neighbour, imminent, impendent, immediate, ready at hand, accost, draw on, approach, at, by, hard-by, besides, hithermost.
REMOTENESS, far, farther, aloof, wide of, distant, outmost, ulti∣mate, great way off.
HOME, Scene.
RISE, Source, Country, Original, Spring, Root.
AMPLENESS, spacious, large, burly, wide, vast.
NARROWNESS, close, scantness, strictness, restrained.
OBVIOUSNESS, common, rise, thick.
RARENESS, seldom, scarce, thin.
CONTINUANCE, produce, subsist, along, close.
DISCONTINUANCE, by coasts, sparsim, cease, pause, respit, break off, intermit, interrupt.
UBIQUITY, Omnipresence.
EAST Orient.
WEST, Occidental.
NORTH, Septentrional, Arctic.
SOVTH, Meridional, Antarctic.
Axial , axis , central
proximal , near
Distal , far
longitudinal , vertical , upright
transverse , horizontal
MIDDLE, Intermediate, Mean, Core, Heart, Wast, main body, Noon, between both, Interim, Interval.
EXTREME, Term, last, end, utter, utmost, peripheral
END, final, last, extremity, ultimate, surcease, terminate, expire, in fine.
SIDE, Flank, Wing, Cheek, lateral, collateral, Limb, Rim, Brim, Brink, Edge-wise, Hem, Ridg, Skirt, Lift, Selvage, Welt, Gard, Eaves, Battlement.
MARGIN, Limit, Marchess, Border, Verge, Meer, Bound, Term, Front-ier, Land-mark, adjacent, abutt, confine, Purliew.
UPPER-SIDE, Ridge, above, vertical.
VNDER-SIDE, lower, neather, bottom.
IN-SIDE, internal, intrinsecal, inward, inner, inmost, intestine,
OVT-SIDE, external, extrinsecal, outward, outmost, utter, ut∣most, Surface, superficial, exterior, ambient.
CRANIAL , TOP, Tip, Head, Crown, Vpper end, Knap, Apex, Vertical, Chapiter.
ROSTRAL , Beak , Face 
CAUDAL , Buttocks , Anus , tail end
Ventral , belly , Anterior
BOTTOM, Base, Lower end, Pedestal, Foot, Sole.
head , crown , tip , top , cranial
FORE-PART, Front, frontal , Frontispiece, Prow, Van-tguard, Van∣ward, foreward.
HINDER-PART, Back, Rere, rereward, endorse, last, Poop, Posterior , occipital
RIGHT SIDE, Dexter, Starrbord.
LEFT SIDE, Sinister, Larrbord.
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  • en/space_list.txt
  • 2024/01/30 13:43
  • brahmantra