• Sanjeevani mantra - the immortal mantra
  • Mahamrutyunjay mantra
  • Summon a service animal by a spell who will fight for him or protect him
  • summon a god by a spell who will fight for him or protect him
  • summon a spirit of past hero who will fight for him
  • boon of praying a god in her mind will give her a child
  • The boon — the lord shiva will be his protector or as a bodyguard for anyone who tries to kill him
  • elixir of life
  • amrith
  • all curing fluid
  • naga mani
  • hocrux - The boon —- his soul be split in to seven hocrux if one kills all the hocrux he will be killed (lord voldemort )
  • The boon — if he fights in his golden chariot no person can defeat him.
  • The boon – unpierceable sheild – the sheild of karna (unbombable gate )
  • the boon —- the only arrow which can kill any person which it wants ( the locked target missile )
  • The only dagger/sword which can kill a demon / scorpion king
  • The only spade which can kill a demòn
  • The boons of vampires that they can only be killed by silver bullets
  • the only weapon by which the dragon can be killed
  • The boon that until u wear this crown no death can come near u
  • The boon that until u wear this necklace no ghost spirit can come near u
  • The beating heart of davy jones / if one kills the heart he will die
  • The life captured in some bird , until the bird lives he lives , if bird dies he dies
  • The boon —- if he fights after performing yajna no one can destroy him
  • narayanastra - which cannot be destroyed and will stop only when u bow and surrender
  • the boon that u can see the ghosts while others cannot.
  • the boon to see through all objects and materials (x ray vision )
  • the boon to run fast at the speed of light
  • the boon to fly
  • the boon to communicate with others through mind
  • the boon —- the greatest kungfu warrior / dragon warrior
  • The boon that if he keeps his hand any man head he will die / he accidently keeps his hand on himself and dies
  • the boon —- the only brahman can kill him
  • the boon —- only he can be killed in sleep
  • The boon —- only he killed by love
  • The boon —- only be killed by a dead demon
  • The boon — only be killed by his own mother
  • The killer of guru dronarcharya — dhristadhyumna born from fire
  • The boons of vampires / shanidev that it can only be killed by sun
  • The boon of darkness that it can only be killed by sun
  • The boon of fireman that it can only be killed by water
  • The boon of light that its ego will kill itself
  • The boon of bhisma – death can only come to him when he wishes for death — shikandi ecomes cause of death
  • The boon of hiranyakashipu — no man / animal can kill him , neither on earth nor in sky he can be killed , neither day and nor night , neither with weapon nor with mantra ,
  • the boon of raavan – he can only be killed by a male
  • The boon of – he can only be killed by a female
  • The boon — he can only be killled by a animal
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  • en/soul_blessing.txt
  • 2024/07/26 12:56
  • brahmantra