

  • Shoulder joint
    • Type
      • Ball and socket , synovial
    • Articular surface
      • Glenoid cavity of scapula
      • Head of humerus
    • Features
      • Weak joint
        • Due to small and shallow to hold head of humerus in place
      • But permits great mobility
      • Stability factors
        • 1. Coraclacromial arch or secondayr socket for head of humrus
        • 2. Musculotendinous cuff
        • 3. Glenoidal labrum helps in deeping glenoid fossa
        • 4. Muscles attaching humerus to pectoral girdle
        • 5. Atmospheric presure
    • Ligaments
      • Capsular ligament
        • Very loose ,
        • permits free movements ,
        • least supported
          • Inferiorly , where dislocation common
            • May damage axillary nerve
          • Medially
            • Attached to scapula beyond supraglenoid tubercle and margins of labrum
          • Laterally
            • Attached to anatomical neck of humerus
          • Exception
            • Inferiorly attachment extends to surgical neck
            • Superiorly - deificient for passage of long head of tendon of biceps brachi
            • Anteriorly - capsule is reinforced by supplemental bands called
              • Glenohumeral ligaments.
                • Superior , middle and inferior
                  • Area between superior and inferior glenohumeral ligament is a point of weakness in capsule ( foramen of weitbrecht )
                    • Anterior dislocation of humeral head
              • Capsule lined by synovial membrane
                • An extension of this forms a tubular sheath for tendon of long head of biceps brachii
      • Coracohumeral ligament
        • Extent.
          • From root of coracoid process to neck of humerus opposite greater tubercle
            • Gives strength to capsule
      • Transverse humeral ligament
        • Bridges upper part of bicipital groove of humerus
        • Between greater and lesser tubercle
        • Tendons passes deep to it
      • Glenoidal labrum
        • Fibrocartilaginous rim
        • covers margins of glenoid cavity
    • Bursae
      • Subacromial or deltoid bursa (A)
      • Subscaoularis bursa (B)
      • Infraspinatus bursa
      • A and B are commonly continuous with each other but may be separate
    • Relations
      • Superiorly - coraclacromial bursa , subacromial bursa , supraspinatus , deltoid
      • Inferiorly - long head of triceps , axillary nerves , posterior circumflex humeral artery
      • Anteriroyl - subscaoularis , coracobrahialis, deltoid, short head of biceps
      • Posteriorly - infraspinatus , teres minor , deltoid
      • Within joint - tendon of long head of biceps brachii
    • Blood supply -
      • Anterior circumflex humeral vessels
      • Posterior circumflex humeral vessels
      • Suorascapular vessels
      • Subscapular vessels
    • Nerve supply
    • Movements
      • Flexion
      • Extension
      • Parallel to glenoid cavity
      • Adduction
      • Abduction
      • Medial rotation
      • Lateral rottation
      • Circumduction
Type Synovial ball and socket joint; multiaxial
Articular surfaces Glenoid fossa of scapula, head of humerus; glenoid labrum
Ligaments Superior glenohumeral, middle glenohumeral, inferior glenohumeral, coracohumeral, transverse humeral
Innervation Subscapular nerve (joint); suprascapular nerve, axillary nerve, lateral pectoral nerve (joint capsule)
Blood supply Anterior and posterior circumflex humeral, circumflex scapular and suprascapular arteries
Movements Flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, external/lateral rotation, internal/medial rotation and circumduction
Rotator cuff muscles Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis
Mnemonic: Rotator cuff SITS on the shoulder
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  • en/shoulder_joint.txt
  • 2023/06/21 10:21
  • brahmantra