

  • Aorta - big artery
  • Ascending aorta - upward artery
  • Descending aorta - downward artery
  • Internal carotid artery - inner neck artery
  • External carotid artery - outer neck artery
  • Common carotid artery - common neck artery
  • Intercostal artery - ribspace artery
  • Internal thoracic artery - inner ribcage artery
  • Subclavian artery - collar artery
  • Axillary artery - armpit artery
  • Brachial artery - arm artery
  • Vertebral artery - backbone artery
  • Maxillary artery - upper jaw artery
  • Mandibular artery - lower jaw artery
  • Ophthalmic artery - eye artery
  • Facial artery - face artery
  • Thyrocervical trunk - thyroneck stem
  • Costocervical artery - ribneck artery
  • Superior thyroid artery - upper thyroid artery
  • Inferior thyroid artery - lower thyroid artery
  • Deep auricular - deep ear artery
  • Anterior tympanic - anterior eardrum artery
  • Middle meningeal artery - middle braincover artery
  • Inferior alveolar artery - lower teethsocket artery
  • Accessory meningeal artery - accesory braincover artery
  • Masseteric artery - chew artery
  • Pterygoid branches - wing branches
  • Deep temporal artery - deep temple artery
  • Buccal artery - cheek artery
  • Sphenopalatine artery - bird palate artery
  • Descending palatine artery - downward palate artery
  • Infraorbital artery - lower eyesocket artery
  • Ascending palatine artery - upward palatine artery
  • Submental artery - chin artery
  • Inferior labial artery - lower lip artery
  • Superior labial artery - upper lip artery
  • Angular artery - bending artery
  • Supraorbital - upper eye socket artery
  • Superficial temporal - Superficial temple artery
  • Posterior auricular - back ear artery
  • Occipital artery - back head artery
  • Transverse facial artery - horizontal face artery
  • Lateral nasal artery - side nose artery
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  • en/pure_blood_pipe.txt
  • 2023/04/15 04:08
  • brahmantra