• Pterygopalatine fossa
    • Boundaries
      • Anterior
        • Superomedial part of posterior surface of maxilla
      • Posterior
        • Root of pterygoid process and adjoining part of anterior surface of greater wing of sphenoid
      • Medial
        • Upper part of perpendicular plate of palatine bone
        • Orbital and sphenoidal process of bone
      • Lateral
        • Fossa opens in to infratemporal fossa through pterygomaxillary fissure
      • Superior
        • Undersurface of body of sphenoid
      • Inferior
        • Closed by pyramidal process of palatine bone in angle between maxilla and pterygoid process
    • Communications
      • Anteriorly
        • With orbit
          • Through medial end of inferior orbital fissure
      • Posteriorly
        • Middle cranial fossa
          • Foramen rotundum
        • Pterygoid canal
          • Foramen lacerum
        • Pharynx
          • Palatovaginal canal
      • Medially
          • Sphenopalatine foramen
      • Laterally
        • Infratemporal fossa through
          • Pterygomaxillary fissure
      • Inferiorly
        • Oral cavity
          • Through greater and lesser palatine canals
    • contents
  • Pterygopalatine ganglion
    • Features
    • Largest parasympathetic peripheral ganglion
    • Roots
      • Parasympathetic root
        • Nerve of pterygoid canal
          • Carries preganglionic fibres
            • Arise from superior salivatory and lacrimatory nuclei
          • Pass through
          • Post ganglionic fibers
            • Supply secretomotor fibers to lacrimal gland
            • Mucous glands of nose , paranasal sinuses
            • Nasopharynx and palate
      • Sympathetic root
        • Nerve of pterygoid canal
          • Postganglionic sympathetic fibers
            • Arising from superior cervical sympathetic ganglion
              • Pass through internal carotid plexus , deep petrosal nerve and nerve of pterygoid canal
                • To reach PTG
            • Pass through ganglion without relay
        • come from maxillary nerve
        • Pass through ganglion without relay
      • orbital branches
      • Palatine branches - greater or anterior palatine nerve
      • Lesser or middle and posterior palatine nerves
      • Nasal branches
      • Lateral posterior superior nasal branches
      • Medial posterior superior nasal branches

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  • en/pterygopalatine-fossa.txt
  • 2023/06/18 11:24
  • brahmantra