

  • situation
  • shape
  • size
  • gross features
    • apex
    • base
    • surfaces
      • anterior surface
      • posterior surface
      • inferolateral surface
  • zones of Prostate
    • peripheral zone
    • central zone
    • periurethral transitional zone
  • sphincters
  • Lobes of prostate
    • Inferoposterior lobule
    • Inferolateral lobule
    • Superomedial lobule
    • Anteromedial lobule
    • (Middle lobe)
  • capsules and ligaments
    • true capsule
    • false capsule
  • structures within Prostate
    • prostatic urethra
    • prostatic utricle
    • ejaculator ducts
  • structural zones of Prostate
  • blood supply
  • lymphatic drainage
  • nerve supply
  • histology
  • development
  • Base of prostate
  • Proximal part
  • Peri-urethral gland zone
  • Distal part
  • Apex of prostate
  • Isthmus of prostate; commissure of prostate
  • Capsule of prostate
  • Parenchyma
  • Prostatic ducts
  • Muscular tissue
  • Puboprostaticus
  • Vesicoprostaticus
  • Trapezoid area


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  • en/prostrate.txt
  • 2023/06/15 11:17
  • brahmantra