

    • Features
      • wide muscular tube
    • situated
    • Parts
      • upper part
        • transmits only air
        • widest and non collapsible
      • middle part
      • lower part
        • only food
        • narrowest part of git ( except for vermiform appendix)
    • Boundaries
      • superiorly
        • base of skull
        • including posterior part of body of sphenoid
        • basilar part of occipital bone infront of pharyngeal tubercle
      • Inferiorly
        • pharynx is continuous with the oesophagus
        • at level of C6 vertebra
        • corresponding to lower border of cricoid cartilage
      • Posteriorly
        • glides freely on prevertebral fascia
      • Anteriorly
        • communicates with nasal , oral cavity and larynx
    • Structure
      • mucosa
      • submucosa
      • pharyngobasilar fascia or pharyngeal aponeurosis
        • fibrous sheet internal to pharyngeal muscles
        • thickest in
          • upper part
            • fills the gap between upper border of superior constrictor and base of skull
          • posteriorly
            • forms pharyngeal raphe
        • superiorly
          • attached to basiocciput , petrous temporal bone , auditory tube
        • inferiorly
          • gradually lost deep to muscles
          • hardly extend beyond superior constrictor
    • Cavity of pharynx
    • Nasopharynx
      • Vault of pharynx
        • Pharyngeal hypophysis
        • Pharyngeal tonsil
          • Tonsillar pits
          • Tonsillar crypts
      • Lymphoid nodules
      • (Pharyngeal bursa)
      • Pharyngeal opening of auditory tubae
        • Torus tubarius
        • Salpingopharyngeal fold
        • Salpingophalatine fold
        • Torus levatorius
        • Tubal tonsil
        • Pharyngeal recess Rosenmülleri
        • Palatopharyngeal ridge
    • Oropharynx
      • Epiglottic vallecula
      • Median glosso-epiglottic fold
      • Lateral glosso-epiglottic fold
    • Laryngopharynx; hypopharynx
      • Situation and extent
        • upper border or epiglottis to lower border of cricoid cartilage
      • Walls
        • anterior wall
          • inlet of larynx
          • posterior surface of cricoid and arytenoid cartilages
        • posterior wall
          • supported by c4 and c5 vertebra
          • partly by c3 and c6 vertebra
          • formed by three constrictors
            • superior , middle and inferior
        • lateral wall
          • depression called as
            • Piriform fossa; piriform recess on each side of inlet of larynx
              • Fold of superior laryngeal nerve
              • bounded
                • medially by
                  • aryepiglottic fold
                • laterally by
                  • thyroid cartilage and thyrohyoid membrane
              • beneath mucosa of fossa
                • internal laryngeal nerve
      • Pharyngo-oesophageal constriction
      • Pharyngobasilar fascia
      • Submucosa
      • Mucosa; mucous membrane
        • Pharyngeal glands
    • Pharyngeal muscles; muscle layer of pharynx
      • Pharyngeal raphe
      • Pterygomandibular raphe
      • Superior constrictor
        • Pterygopharyngeal part Passavanti
        • Buccopharyngeal part
        • Mylopharyngeal part
        • Glossopharyngeal part
      • Middle constrictor
        • Chondropharyngeal part
        • Ceratopharyngeal part
      • Inferior constrictor
        • Thyropharyngeal part; thyropharyngeus
        • Cricopharyngeal part; cricopharyngeus
      • Stylopharyngeus
      • Salpingopharyngeus
      • Palatopharyngeus
      • Buccopharyngeal fascia
      • Peripharyngeal space
        • Retropharyngeal space
        • Parapharyngeal space; lateral pharyngeal space
Cavitas pharyngis Cavity of pharynx
Pars nasalis pharyngis Nasopharynx
Fornix pharyngis Vault of pharynx
Hypophysis pharyngealis Pharyngeal hypophysis
Tonsilla pharyngealis Pharyngeal tonsil
Fossulae tonsillae Tonsillar pits
Cryptae tonsillae Tonsillar crypts
Noduli lymphoidei Lymphoid nodules
(Bursa pharyngealis) (Pharyngeal bursa)
Ostium pharyngeum tubae auditivae; ostium pharyngeum tubae auditoriae Pharyngeal opening of auditory tubae
Torus tubarius Torus tubarius
Plica salpingopharyngea Salpingopharyngeal fold
Plica salpingopalatina Salpingophalatine fold
Torus levatorius Torus levatorius
Tonsilla tubaria Tubal tonsil
Recessus pharyngeus Rosenmülleri Pharyngeal recess Rosenmülleri
Crista palatopharyngea Palatopharyngeal ridge
Pars oralis pharyngis Oropharynx
Vallecula epiglottica Epiglottic vallecula
Plica glossoepiglottica mediana Median glosso-epiglottic fold
Plica glossoepiglottica lateralis Lateral glosso-epiglottic fold
Pars laryngea pharyngis Laryngopharynx; hypopharynx
Recessus piriformis Piriform fossa; piriform recess
Plica nervi laryngei superioris Fold of superior laryngeal nerve
Constrictio pharyngooesophagealis Pharyngo-oesophageal constriction
Fascia pharyngobasilaris Pharyngobasilar fascia
Tela submucosa Submucosa
Tunica mucosa Mucosa; mucous membrane
Glandulae pharyngeales Pharyngeal glands
Musculi pharyngis; tunica muscularis pharyngis Pharyngeal muscles; muscle layer of pharynx
Raphe pharyngis Pharyngeal raphe
Raphe pterygomandibularis Pterygomandibular raphe
M. constrictor pharyngis superior Superior constrictor
Pars pterygopharyngea Passavanti Pterygopharyngeal part Passavanti
Pars buccopharyngea Buccopharyngeal part
Pars mylopharyngea Mylopharyngeal part
Pars glossopharyngea Glossopharyngeal part
M. constrictor pharyngis medius Middle constrictor
Pars chondropharyngea Chondropharyngeal part
Pars ceratopharyngea Ceratopharyngeal part
M. constrictor pharyngis inferior Inferior constrictor
Pars thyropharyngea; m. thyropharyngeus Thyropharyngeal part; thyropharyngeus
Pars cricopharyngea; m. cricopharyngeus Cricopharyngeal part; cricopharyngeus
M. stylopharyngeus Stylopharyngeus
M. salpingopharyngeus Salpingopharyngeus
M. palatopharyngeus Palatopharyngeus
Fascia buccopharyngealis Buccopharyngeal fascia
Spatium peripharyngeum Peripharyngeal space
Spatium retropharyngeum Retropharyngeal space
Spatium lateropharyngeum; spatium pharyngeum laterale; spatium parapharyngeum Parapharyngeal space; lateral pharyngeal space

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  • en/pharynx.txt
  • 2023/06/17 10:53
  • brahmantra