

    • Female external genitalia
    • Male external genitalia
    • Perineal raphe
      • Perineal muscles
        • Muscle of anal triangle
        • External anal sphincter
      • Muscles of urogenital triangle
    • Perineal body
    • Anococcygeal body; anococcygeal ligament
    • Subcutaneous tissue of perineum
      • Membranous layer
    • Subcutaneous perineal pouch Collesi
    • Superficial perineal pouch; superficial perineal compartment; superficial perineal space
      • Perineal fascia; superficial investing fascia of perineum; deep perineal fascia
      • Superficial transverse perineal muscle
      • Ischiocavernosus
      • Bulbospongiosus
    • Deep perineal pouch; deep perineal space
      • Perineal membrane
        • Transverse perineal ligament
      • Deep transverse perineal muscle
      • External urethral sphincter
      • External urethral sphincter
      • Compressor urethrae
      • Sphincter urethrovaginalis
      • Ischio-anal fossa
      • Fat body of ischio-anal fossa
      • Pudendal canal Alcocki
  • Perineal body
    • central point of perineum
      • 10 muscles of perineum converge and interlace in perineal body
        • 2 unpaired
          • external anal spinchter
          • fibres of longitudinal muscle coat of anal canal
        • paired
          • bulbospongiosus
          • superficial and deep transverse perinei
          • levator ani
        • unstriped fibres of longitudinal muscle coat of anal canal
  • external anal spinchter
    • anal canal is surrounded in its upper 3/4 by internal anal spinchter
    • external anal spinchter surrounds whole length
    • supplied by inferior rectal nerve
    • perineal branch of 4 th sacral nerve

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  • en/perineum.txt
  • 2024/07/05 15:35
  • brahmantra