• lumbosacral plexus
    • dorsal division
      • Superior gluteal nerve: IA, LS, S1
      • 2 Inferior gluteal nerve: LS, SI, S2
      • 3 erve to piriformis: Sl, S2.
      • 4 Perforating cutaneous nerve: S2, S3.
    • ventral division
      • Nerve to quadratus femoris: L4, LS , Sl.
      • nerve to obturator internus: LS, Sl, S2.
      • Pudendal nerve: S2, S3, S4: Supplies
        • and the sphincter ani extemus,
        • all muscles in urogenital triangles.
      • Muscular branches
        • including perineal branch of nerve S4.
        • to the levator ani, the coccygeus
      • 5 Pelvic splanchnic nerves: S2, S3 , S4.
    • both dorsal and ventral division
    • pelvic floor
      • pelvic diaphragm
    • pelvis is divided by the plane of pelvic inlet or superior aperture of pelvis in to 2 parts
      • lesser pelvis or true pelvis
        • bony walls
          • anteriorly pubic symphysis and body of pubic bones
          • posteriorly by sacrum and coccyx
        • ligaments
          • obturator membrane
          • sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligament
        • muscles
          • obturator internus
          • piriformis
      • greater pelvis or false pelvis
    • internal iliac artery
    • Branches
      • Medial
        • Peritoneum and to a few tributaries of the
        • internal iliac vein.
      • Lateral
        • External iliac vessels and obturator nerve
      • Posterior
        • Internal iliac vein, lumbosacral trunk and
          • the sacroiliac joint (see Figs 24.27 and 34.7)
      • Anterior
        • In female, it is related to the ovary and
          • lateral end of the uterine tube (see Fig. 31.1)
    • supplies
      • pelvic organ
      • Perineum.
      • Greater part of the gluteal region.
      • Iliac fossa.
    • course
      • the internal iliac artery begins in front of the sacroiliac joint, at the level of the intervertebral disc between the fifth lwnbar vertebra and the sacrum
      • lies medial to the psoas major muscle.
      • The arltery runs downwards and backwards, and ends near thee upper margin of the greater scia tic notch, by dividing into anterior and posterior divisions or trunks
    • branches
      • anterior division
        • 1 Superior vesical
          • proximal 2..5 cm is persistent umbilical artery
        • 2 Obturator
          • medially crossed by ductus deferens and ureter
        • 3 Middle rectal
        • 4 Inferior vesical
          • in female replaced by vaginal artery
            • vagina , bulb of vestibule
            • base of urinary bladder
          • trigone of bladder , prostrate,seminal vesicles
        • 5 Inferior gluteal
          • largest branch
          • axial branch of lower limb
          • supplies buttock and back of thigh
          • enters the gluteal region through lower part of greater sciatic foramen
        • 6 Internal pudendal. The last t:wo are the terminal
          • in females it if 7th branch uterine artery
            • supplies vagina , cervix, fallopian tube
      • posterior division
        • 1 Iliolumbar.
        • 2 Two lateral sacral.
        • 3 Superior gluteal arteries
  • Structures crossing pelvic inlet or brim
    • Median sacral vessels
    • 2 Sympathetic trunk.
    • 3 Lumbosacral trunk
    • 4 Iliolumbar artery.
    • 5 Obturator nerve.
    • 6 Internal iliac vessels
    • 7 Medial limb of sigmoid mesocolon with superior
      • rectal vessels-left side only
    • 9 Sigmoid colon- on left side only.
    • 10 Ovarian vessels in female
    • 11 Ductus deferens in male/ round ligament of uterus
    • 12 Lateral umbilical ligament
    • 13 Median umbilical ligamen t or urachus
    • 14 Autonomic nerve plexuses.
    • 15 Coils of intestine and pregnant uterus.
    • 16 Full urinary bladder.
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  • en/pelvic_wall.txt
  • 2023/06/14 09:16
  • brahmantra