


  • external features
    • young girls
      • before onset of ovulation
        • ovaries have smooth surface
        • they are greyish pink in colour
    • after puberty girls
      • surface becomes uneven and is greyish in colour
    • two poles
      • upper or tubal pole
      • lower or uterine pole
    • two borders
      • anterior or mesoovarian border
      • posterior or free border
    • 2 surfaces
      • lateral
      • medial
  • situation
    • lies in the ovarian fossa on lateral pelvic wall
      • bounded anteriorly by
        • obliterated umbilical artery
      • bounded posteriorly by
        • ureter and internal iliac artery
    • position
      • it varies with individual
    • nulliparous women long axis
      • is nearly vertical
    • multiparous women
      • long axis is horizontal
        • upper pole points laterally
        • lower pole points medially
  • relations
    • peritoneal relations
      • almost covered by peritoneum except along mesoovarian or anterior border
      • mesoovarium
        • ovary is connected to posterior layer of braod ligament
        • sq. epithelium is continuous with cubical epithelium of ovary
        • transmits vessels to and from ovary
    • suspensory ligament of ovary or infundibulopelvic ligament
      • lateral part of braod ligament
  • visceral relations
    • upper pole or tubal pole
      • related to uterine tube and external iliac vein
      • right ovary may be related to appendix
      • ovarian fimbria and suspensory ligament are attached to this pole
    • lower or uterine pole
      • related to pelvic floor
      • connected by the ligament of ovary
      • to the lateral angle of uterus
      • posteroinferior to the attachment of uterine tube
    • anterior or mesoovarian border
      • straight and is related
        • to uterine tube
        • obliterated umbilical artery
      • attached to the back of broad ligament of uterus
    • posterior or free border
      • related to uterine tube and ureter
    • lateral surface
      • related to ovarian fossa
        • lined by parietal peritoneum
      • peritoneum separates ovary from obturator vessels and nerve
    • medial surface
      • largely covered by uterine tube
      • peritoneal recess b/w this surface and mesosalpinx is
        • ovarian bursa
  • venous drainage
    • veins emerge at the hilus and form a pampiniform plexus around artery
    • plexus condenses in to a single ovarian vein at pelvic inlet
  • nerve supply
    • sympathetic nerves T10 - T11
    • ovarian plexus
  • histology
    • outer surface
      • germinal epithelium
    • cortex
      • ovarian follicles
        • various stages
        • each follicle
          • one oocyte
        • after liberation of oocyte
          • grafian follicle becomes
            • corpus luteum
              • produces progesterone
        • follicular cells
          • secrete
            • oestrogen
  • arterial supply
    • ovarian artery
      • arises from abd aorta just below renal artery
      • descends over posterior abd wall
        • enters suspensory ligament
      • sends branches to ovary through mesoovarium
        • then anastomose with uterine artery
    • uterine artery
  • lymphatic drainage
  • functions
    • production of oocytes
    • production of hormones
    • oestrogen
    • progesterone
  • clinical anatomy
    • prolapse of ovary
    • ovarian cyst
    • carcinoma of ovary
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  • en/ovary.txt
  • 2023/06/20 13:04
  • brahmantra