• (a) The cell's transport pathway. Since it binds the cell membrane to the nuclear membrane, the endoplasmic reticulum is referred to as the cell's transporting tube.
  • (b) Mitochondria are known as the cell's powerhouse because they produce ATP, which is used to generate energy (Adenosine Triphosphate).
  • © The Golgi complex is the cell's packaging and dispatching unit. The flattened sac is the Golgi body, which is a membrane-bound organelle. It was involved in the modification and packaging of proteins produced by cells. The transport of lipid molecules across the cell is also aided by Golgi bodies. Lysosomes are also produced by Golgi bodies.
  • (d) Lysosomes, often known as digestive bags, are cell organelles found in eukaryotic cells. Lysosomes are produced by Golgi bodies. They include hydrolytic enzymes that aid in food digestion. Lysosomes are sometimes known as suicide bags since they are responsible for nutrition digestion.
  • (e) Vacuoles are referred to as the cell's storage sacs because they store food.
  • (f) Because of their function in photosynthesis, chloroplasts are referred to as the kitchen of the cell. Plastids are known as the cell's kitchen. Plant and algal cells contain plastids, which are double-membrane organelles. Plastids are in charge of food production and storage. These frequently contain photosynthetic pigments as well as other pigments that can modify the colour of the cell.
  • g) The nucleus is the cell's command centre, as it oversees practically all of the cell's functions. The cell's nucleus is the most significant component (plural: nuclei). It is derived from a Latin term that means nut kernel. The genetic material is contained in the nucleus, which is a double-membraned eukaryotic cell organelle.
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  • en/organelles_analogy.txt
  • 2024/03/05 15:22
  • brahmantra