• molar tooth sign (MRI brain) = Joubert syndrome
  • starry sky sign(CT) = appearance that may be seen with neurocysticercosis
  • Boomerang Sign-hyperintense signal in the splenium of the corpus callosum accompanying stroke; also an
  • MRI sign in peroneus brevis split syndrome
  • Figure of eight (MRI) = Appearance of brain in lissencephaly
  • Boxcar ventricles = appearance of frontal horns that may be seen in huntington's disease
  • salt and pepper appearance(MRI) = paraganglioma
  • hot cross bun = multisystem atrophy
  • humming bird sign = progressive supranuclear palsy
  • Eye of tiger Sign = low signal intensity circumscribing the globus pallidus in patients with hallervorden - spatz


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  • en/neuroradiology.txt
  • 2024/07/30 05:12
  • brahmantra