• neurons based on
    • cognitive neurons
    • vegetative neurons

nerve fibre names based on sequence

  • first order , second order , third order : mainly used for sensory neurons
  • preganglionic , postganglionic : autonomic nervous system

nerve fibre names based on location

  • upper , lower motor neurons

nerve fibre names based on connection to and from

  • almost all nerves are named on the basis of origin to termination that is from nuclei to nuclei.
  • sensory neurons towards the brain
  • motor neurons away from the brain

according to the length of axon

  • golgi type 1 - long axons and short dendrites eg., pyramidal cells of cerebral cortex , purkinje cells , anterior horn cells
  • golgi type 2 - short axons

according to number of processes

  • unipolar
  • bipolar
  • multipolar

according to shape of cells

  • stellate
  • basket
  • fusiform
  • pyramidal
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  • en/neurocytology.txt
  • 2024/07/25 14:11
  • brahmantra