
head flexion longus colli
head extension rectus capitis posterior (minor , major ) , semispinalis capitis , splenius capitis
Neck flexion sternocleidomastoid (together) , longus colli , longus capitis , rectus capitis anterior
Neck extension
Neck and head rotation obliqus capitis inferior ,
Neck and head lateral flexion / side bend rectus capitis lateralis , longissimus capitis
Neck skin tension Platysma
Face turning Sternocleidomastoid
swallowing - elevation of hyoid stylohyoid , mylohyoid , geniohyoid
depression of hyoid bone sternohyoid , sternothyroid , thyrohyoid , omohyoid
elevate larynx
depress larynx
tenses vocal ligament
relaxes vocal ligament
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  • en/neck_actions.txt
  • 2023/05/26 12:32
  • brahmantra