• A change of mind from good to evil.
    • IMPENITENCE, Obdurateness, Hard-heartedness.
  • A change of mind from evil to good.
    • REPENTANCE, Penitence, compunction, relent, remorse, contri∣tion, rue, return, reclaim, renew, regeneration, penance.
  • An inlargement of Soul, to desire and endeavour public general good, and taking it off from being immersed in narrow selfish designs.
    • SELF-DENIAL, Christian Magnanimity, Generosity, Public-spi∣ritedness, Greatness of mind, Resignation.
  • An inlargement of Soul, to desire and endeavour public general good, and taking it off from being immersed in narrow selfish designs.
    • SELFISHNESS, Narrowness, Pedanticalness, Littleness of mind, Worldling.
  • General; consisting in infused intellectual self
  • An habitual frame of mind, whereby we are fitted for vertuous acti∣ons, and more especially for the Duties of Religion.
    • VNHOLINESS, Wickedness, Iniquity, Impiety, Vngodliness, Pro∣phaneness, Corruption, Sin, Miscreant, graceless, Caitiffe.
  • Particular; styled Theological Vertues; respecting infused intellectual self
  • Truth and Falshood; a readiness to yield an effectual assent unto re∣vealed Truths upon such grounds as their natures are capable of, and such as are sufficient to prevail with any such prudent teacha∣ble man as is free from any affected Captiousness.
    • INFIDELITY, Vnbelief, Miscreant.
  • Good and Evil.
    • Future; being an acquiescence of the mind in the expectation of such Promises as are revealed.
      • DESPAIR, Despondency, out of heart, forlorn, hopeless, past hope, deadness of heart.
    • General; wishing well, and endeavouring to be helpful and ser∣viceable unto all, according to the due proportion we are obli∣ged to by natural or revealed Light.
      • VNCHARITABLENESS, Maliciousness.
  • General; consisting in infused intellectual self
    • An habitual frame of mind, whereby we are fitted for vertuous acti∣ons, and more especially for the Duties of Religion.
      • HOLINESS, Sanctity, Godliness, Piety, Devotion, Righteousness, Sanctification, sacred, Pureness.
  • Particular; styled Theological Vertues; respecting infused intellectual self
    • Truth and Falshood; a readiness to yield an effectual assent unto re∣vealed Truths upon such grounds as their natures are capable of, and such as are sufficient to prevail with any such prudent teacha∣ble man as is free from any affected Captiousness.
      • FAITH, Belief, Believer, Creed.
    • Good and Evil.
      • Future; being an acquiescence of the mind in the expectation of such Promises as are revealed.
        • HOPE, Trust, Affiance, Reliance, Re••mbency.
      • General; wishing well, and endeavouring to be helpful and ser∣viceable unto all, according to the due proportion we are obli∣ged to by natural or revealed Light.
        • CHARITY, Love.
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  • 2024/08/18 11:24
  • brahmantra